January 18, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in almost a week, I've been on vacation in New Jersey visiting my Stepmom and little Sister, and will be here until Friday, so I'm not updating as much. I'll get back to posting regularly when I'm back in Washington, at home, with time to write!

Went shopping at Kohl's with my Stepmom today. Found a fleece shirt and a sweater that were WAY on sale, and was treated to some FLEECE SHEETS by my Stepmom, which I absolutely can't wait to put on my bed when I get home. Unfortunately, I also found two other totally cute sweaters, which in size 2X were still too small. :0( Sigh...

I need to call on Tuesday and make an appointment with the endocrinologist.

1 comment:

Kori said...

Please, no more putting it off. Make it the first thing you do when you are home. : ) Is it bad to say I have fleece-sheet-envy?