July 16, 2009

Week 24 Update

Current Weight: 241.8
+/- this week: -1.4
+/- total: -25.4
Short Term Goal: 250 (5/26/09)
Short Term Goal 2: 225
Long Term Goal: 150

This week, I got my award for 25 lbs lost! It feels great, but at the same time I look in the mirror and can't believe that I am still so fat. It's a lot of weight not to be carrying around with me, but day by day when I look in the mirror it's hard to see the changes as clearly. I am amazed and disbelieving that I've come this far. I never thought it was really possible, and with all the times I've tried to have something finally work (thyroid meds + weight watchers + exercise) is somewhat surreal. I feel my achievement, and simultaneously can't help thinking about how far I have to go.

I lose myself in daydreams some days. Of what it will feel like when I'm under 200 lbs, of what it will feel like when I can shop at regular stores again, when I won't be self conscious about being bigger than everyone in the room, when I'll be able to jump without being completely uncomfortable because it's just so much weight to lift into the air, and such a hard landing coming down. When I'll ride rides and fit in the seats, when I'll never have to request a seatbelt extender on an airplane again. When I'll be able to chase after my son, to walk up the stairs without getting out of breath.

I've come a long way, and some of these things are already coming to pass in one way or another. Next week I'll get my award for 10% and finally get that keyring to put my 16 week and 25 lb awards on. At that point, I'll be creeping towards 30 lbs lost.

It really is a lifestyle change. Some days it's scary to think about the fact that this is forever - that I am changing the way I eat, and that I'll need to exercise several times a week FOREVER. It's not just 'for now' or 'until the weight comes off'. But I can live with that. For my health, for my happiness. It's worth it!

I have been going to Zumba again, and I still love it! It is a hard workout, and some days it's harder than others. But I make it, and it goes by so much faster than trying to do an hour on elliptical and treadmill or whatever. I need to start doing strength training again when I go to the gym on my own. I just need to take time to get one of the trainers to show me the machines they have set up on their pre-built circuit to make sure I'm using all of the equipment right. Then I will probably start a routine of 10 min treadmill, 30 min on the circuit and 20 min on elliptical. Sounds great!

I have been surprised at how FULL the Zumba class has gotten! When I first started going, back in March, there were probably 8-9 people in the class. On Tuesday, I counted THIRTY TWO! It has gotten really popular, and they added 2 more classes on M & W at 9:35 am. I might be able to go to that sometimes if I have the day off. There is also a Yogalates class on Wed at 4:35 that I'd like to try. I wish there was at least one evening yoga class, but they are all in the mornings. Maybe after the current boot camp is over they'll do a yoga class later in the day.

Mom has been doing Weight Watchers with me, as I mentioned before, and she actually reached her goal weight! She looks great and it has been awesome to have her there with me. She went to Zumba with me on Tuesday, and she liked it. It was fun to have two cohorts there since my friend Kara from mom's group/down the street has started going. The only bad part about moving is that I am not going to be her neighbor anymore!

I have been eating tons of pineapple and making smoothies. I also used some of the extra smoothie and poured it into the make-your-own-popsicle mold and made some fruity frozen treats. They are pretty good, but I broke one of my popsicle stick things because I didn't loosen it enough with hot water when trying to pull it out. Oh well!

What has been your favorite refreshing summer treat this year?


Mrs. M said...

I have been enjoying pineapple too! Congrats on the weight loss!! Keep it up - it is a daily battle. I love food and want to eat too much almost every day!! I have to really reign it in to keep within my limits. And exercise a lot. Zumba sounds super fun!!

Enz said...

I miss pineapple. I'm diabetic and pineapple is one of the fruits with the highest sugar content so it's easier for me not to eat it at all than to try and eat a little and stop.

My favourite treat this summer is Chapmans Yoplait +, Madagascar Vanilla flavour. It's frozen yogurt and for 1/2 a cup is only one point because it has 5 grams of fibre! There are other great flavours too that work out to 2 points, but I'm happy with this right now.

Great work Rachael!!!

As an on line member we don't get the keyring and charms which I think sucks - but I think I'm going to do something like that for myself. I'll buy a cool keyring and then at each milestone get a cute charm to put on it as a reminder and motivator.

Melissa aka Equidae said...

congrats dear :) and keep it up...yes to keep the weight down you cnat just diet an when its down you go ack to normal its a way of life and its a good life so dont worry :)

jmt said...

Hearing that you are enjoying your choice of physical exercise is a GREAT step in the right direction. :) I love hearing that from people - finding a fun way for THEM to sweat off weight or simply to get your heart going is energizing. I hope that by blogging about it you are finding a good "ear" and a relieving outlet. Keep it up! :) Happy Thursday.

Jen said...

I am dying to try a Zumba class. I actually just called the gym that I used to belong to to see if they offered it and they did, so I may sign back up again if I like it.

Way to go on reaching your mini-goal!!

Enz said...

Thank you for the nice comments you left me :)
I wanted to tell you in my last post that if you don't think 20+ lbs is alot..next time you are in the grocery store, pick up two ten pound bags of potatoes and carry them up and down a few aisles.
When you realise how heavy that is, realise that you are NO LONGER carrying that weight on your body.