July 8, 2009

Week 22/23 Update: Challenges & Goals

Current Weight: 243.2
+/- this week: -0.4
+/- total: -24
Short Term Goal: 250 (5/26/09)
Short Term Goal 2: 225
Long Term Goal: 150

I didn't post an update last week because it was a completely crazy and hectic week and I just didn't get around to it. Last week I lost 0.6 and this week 0.4 for a total of 1 lb in the past 2 weeks. I was really sick last week with some horrible flu where I was coughing a ton then my nose started running like a faucet. It sucked because I wasn't really sick enough to hole up and not do anything, but I felt like I was running on 75% of my normal energy so every time we went out to do something I would be totally exhausted by the end! I went to bed early a lot. I didn't exercise at all, and I went over my points last week by 5 points. STRAWBERRY RHUBARB PIE. It was delicious. I was happy to just have not gained anything, so I'll take any loss, even if it's only 0.4 pounds!

I've started going to Zumba again. The class is on Tue & Thu at 6 pm, so I find that I have conflicts, but I managed to go last night. It's funny, when I first started going several months ago, there were only about 8 or 9 people in the class. Last night, I counted THIRTY! I guess the word is spreading! I still love it. It makes me push myself really hard, it's not easy, and I get a really good workout from it. The time goes by much faster than trying to do the eliptical & treadmill for an hour. I'm hoping I'll be able to start going twice a week again, because that would be great!

I was looking at myself in the mirror while at class yesterday, which I don't do that often, I usually watch the instructor the whole time. It's funny because I look in the mirror and I can see the weight I've lost, but at the same time, I see how far I still have to go. It is a little shocking sometimes that I've lost 24 pounds and am still so fat. Sometimes I wish there were an easier way, but I know that losing slowly and in a healthy way means that I'm way, way more likely to keep the weight off. It's just really hard. The upside is that since I'm working so hard at it, I feel more pride about it.

So, this week I have a mini-goal of losing at least TWO pounds. Why? Because when I hit 26 pounds down, that is my 10% goal. That means that I'll have lost 10% of the weight I started with, which is a big milestone. Then I'll be working towards 30 pounds lost. Crazy, huh? It's hard to believe sometimes.

All in all, things are going well! I'm also participating in the 15 Week Challenge, which is motivational, and it's fun to find other people on the same journey I'm on. My biggest challenge right now is NOT eating because I'm stressed. With money stuff, and our upcoming move, I am feeling the urge to eat a lot when I know I'm not hungry. I've mostly been able to deal with it, with a few small slips. So, hopefully that will soon pass. I'm proud of myself for being able to recognize it and not just slip up and pig out.


Enz said...

Congrats on your loss. I'm rooting for you to get your 10% this week as well :)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Congrats!! There are definitely weeks where I just hope and pray that I maintain. And I have been losing soooo slowly, I just keep trying to remind myself that at least the scale is moving in the appropriate direction.

I keep hearing about Zumba...but I have absolutely no sense of rhythm...I wonder if I would look like a complete idiot doing it?!

Megan R. said...

Woohoo!! You can do it! Man, you are seriously doing SO great! I wish I could follow your example, but I just can't find my motivation. It crawled under a rock and died somewhere I think.

Tyler said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog, Rachael. Keep it up. I don't care if it takes 20 weeks to lose the weight or 200, it'll put years on your life.

Do it for yourself. Do it for everyone you love and care for.

C.J. Koster said...

Awesome goal. We're in it together!

Trina said...

Go YOU! 10% is a big deal. Yeah, those little losses add up. So I guess you do Weight Watchers? You may have said that and I missed it. Well good luck with your 10%! You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...


Auds at Barking Mad said...

Rachael, how awesome!

Congrats on your weight loss. Keep it up. You really inspire me. Maybe one of these days I'll have my head on my shoulders and my shit together and be able to accomplish as much as you have.

Kori said...

Effing awesome, as always.

Mrs. M said...

24 lbs is still a great achivement! Being sick is terrible on the exercise program!! Where are you going to Zumba?? I go to pilates classes and do cardio at home.