July 3, 2009

Update on Moving & Blog Salad

I have about a million things running through my head right now, and I need to work on some articles tonight, so for this Friday? Blog Salad it will be. Blog Salad is not good for you like real salad. It's more like that salad you get at Red Robin where it has fried chicken and bacon and fatty creamy salad dressing, and you can sort of convince yourself that it's good for you, but not really. Mostly it's just delicious.
  • I posted yesterday about our coming move to Justin's childhood home. As the day went on yesterday it became clear that 1. communication is not this family's strong suit and 2. everyone had a different opinion. Basically, we talked to Justin's nephew and he expressed that he and his friend are still looking/deciding about their living arrangements. Living at the house had been brought up as an option, but it wasn't something they were planning on/counting on. So, for now it's still out there as an option, but it's not for sure. We need to get him, his Dad, Justin & me, and Justin's Dad all on the same page to figure out what's really going to happen. No matter what, WE are moving, and we have to make the move before the end of July.
  • I haven't been reading Avitable for that long, but I am bloggily enamoured with him. Not only is he funnier than shit, he is also an actual GOOD PERSON who happens to have a blog. He cares about people, and he is not afraid to show it. Then he slapped me across the head with this post, and I just about wanted to fly to Florida and become his best-buddy-neighbor. Go read it.
  • This week has not been the greatest for Rachael and Weight Watchers. I've been eating so/so, but haven't been getting any exercise, although there is a sort-of reason for that (see next bullet). Tonight, we had Pizza Hut, oh wait, sorry, The Hut, and I ate too much. Oh well. Next week is another week. I think the move will help with eating better because we'll be FORCED to cook more, no pizza places deliver out there and it's too much of a pain in the ass to go pick food up because it's a lot longer drive.
  • One of the reasons I haven't been exercising this week is because I have this awful cold. It started out Monday morning as a cough, which lasted until last night and I woke up this morning with an awful nasal drip and have been sneezing all day long. It's annoying because it's not bad enough that I can just lie prostrate on the couch while someone takes care of me (not that there's anyone to do that), it's just that I feel like I'm running at about 75% of normal and am too hot and more tired than I should be. Being sick in the summer sucks.
  • I have been enjoying summer TV - Raising the Bar, The Closer, So You Think You Can Dance, and In Plain Sight. I can't wait for Leverage to come back. What are you watching this summer? Also, we didn't discover Penn & Teller's Bullshit until last summer and I love it! It's great. This is it's 7th season and I'd love to get past seasons to watch.
  • Audrey over at Barking Mad is having an amazing giveaway. She is absolutely in love with her Keurig, and she is giving away a Keurig Platinum Brewing System!!!! Now, I don't drink coffee, and have faced the same problems as Auds - I want to have a way to make coffee for guests, but I don't want to keep a coffee pot I won't use. Well, you know what is fricking awesome about Keurig? It's not just for coffee! You can also use it to brew single cups of tea and to make fresh hot cocoa. It's like a dream! So, head over there and enter. Or don't. Actually, don't. Because then I'll have more of a chance to win!
  • For some reason this one tooth in the back of my mouth is scraping against my tongue and it's bugging the crap out of me.
  • When we move, we're going to have two more cats, and I'm really, really hoping that our cat will get along with him.
All right... I guess that's about it for now. I'll have my SYTYCD recap up over the weekend, maybe tomorrow evening. I hope that everyone has an amazing (hopefully 3 day if you're lucky) weekend, and a wonderful Independance Day however you decide to celebrate!


Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Hope your cold gets better!!!

Enz said...

Summer time colds suck!!!!

Daisy said...

Summer colds are awful. I just got over one. I recommend orange dreamsicles for breakfast; it worked for me.

Cynthia said...

I have totally been watching So You Think You Can Dance...Love it!

Feel better:)

WhiteSockGirl aka The Fabulous Bitch said...

You love comments more than chocolate? Uhhmmm,... I love comments but I love coffee more!

Fried chicken, bacon and fatty creamy salad dressing? Ohhhh, why did you have to do that? Now I am hungry!

Thanks for the visit to my blog! Much much appreciated!!

Trina said...

I went to the Avitable blog and it was very motivating. I read his blog a couple of times before and it was very entertaining.

I have good and bad weeks on WW too, and I struggle with exercise. I hate it and I only exercise because I have too.

Unfortunately I'm am enjoying my summer TV viewing too. I told myself I was going to curtail my TV viewing. So far I'm hooked on Royal Pains and Dance Your Ass Off. For some strange reason my kids and I started watching the George Lopez show and its really funny.

I hope you get well soon and I'll pray that your family's move to your new home goes off without a hitch.