July 1, 2009

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Our medical insurance premiums just went up by 1/6 to $751 a month. They have gone up 50% in the past 2.5 years. We have to switch plans to a cheaper one, so we're pretty much screwed either way between higher premiums and higher deductibles.

We can't pay our rent this month without touching the one thing we haven't touched - Sam's savings account. Through bankruptcy & debt, that $1500 has been SACRED, it's all we have for him. And soon, we probably won't have that either. We are in the hole. We don't know what to do. Or where to go. How did this happen?

We have to move. We don't know where. The option that has been lingering for the past year of moving out to Justin's childhood home isn't panning out (still). If we can't move out there in the next month or so, we are going to be forced to look for a better job for Justin back in Seattle. It basically sucks.

At least my blog looks pretty, thanks to my husband. Also, at least I have both my hands because when I did a google image search for "Between a rock and a hard place" it came up with a lot of cover shots of that book about the guy who got stuck between two rocks when he was climbing and had to saw his own hand off with a plastic knife. So, yeah... there's always that.

Also, I have a weird, nonproductive cough and am totally paranoid that my lungs have fungus in them since that's what happened to our cat.


Anonymous said...

Ugh. I'm sorry you're stuck.

jmt said...

It's times like these that family and friends become vitally important. When we lean, they're there. When they lean, we'll be there. I hope that you get unstuck, and start the motion flowing.....DOING something, like moving, might be the push you need to escape a rut. And hopefully you continue to keep both hands because pushing might be more difficult without them. :)

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Your blog does look good!!

Sorry you are going through a rough time right now!

We had to touch the girls college money once...we felt so guilty...but it was in the families best interest. It all worked out!

Praying it all works out for you!

Amy B. said...

Sorry you're in a tough spot. If it makes you feel any better, I've raided the college fund also! These days, so many people are in a bad spot. So at least we know we're not alone!

But your blog does look great...

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Don't worry about the college fund. If you need it...use it. When your child is ready for college, student loans are fabulous. The interest rate is low. And they don't count against you with your debt to income ratios.

I am so sorry about your situation. Money stuff sucks!

Kori said...

Sigh, it just bites, doesn't it? I have no advice other than to keep moving forward; which you are. You blog design is lovely, and you are lovely, and somehow things will work themselves out, right?

Melissa aka Equidae said...

remember this...think positive always, rack ur brain for options, dont look back with regret. Its hard I know what it means but God provides..never loose heart

Trina said...

I feel your pain. I'm a single parent and find it hard some days to make ends meet. But somehow I do it. Not some how, by the grace of God.

Anonymous said...

Just happened to find your blog through a blog, through a blog, etc. Sorry you're going through a rough time. Have you looked into WA Basic Health? We couldn't afford insurance any more after ours kept going up and so we applied for Basic Health. If you qualify, it is so much more affordable. They have a website, but can't think of the address right now, should be able to find it in a search though. Hope this helps!