July 29, 2009

Like Pink, I am also not dead

So, I've been a little absent the past few days. Luckily for me, I got posts pre-written for last week so it's only been a couple of days instead of a full week since I've posted anything! Things are a little crazy here, and even though I haven't been writing, I have been THINKING about writing a lot. Thoughts...
  • They posted that BlogHer 2010 is going to be in NY City! I am SO going. This year, we just couldn't afford it, but I already have enough saved up from frelancing to pay most of the conference fee, then I just have to save up for the hotel. I definitely need at least one roommate though, I have no idea how you go about that. Since my little sis and Stepmom live in New Jersey, I'll probably combine airfare and leave Sam with them for 3 days if they're up for it, then visit them before/after the conference. That would work perfectly. There are so many laides I want to meet, and I hope that most of them will go too. It's early to start talking about it, but I actually think it might be feasible for me to go next year for the first time!
  • Um... moving with a 3 year old is HARD. I guess I have managed to get a significant amount unpacked, but it's so hard to do it in these really short little spurts. I'm hoping maybe my Mom will take Sam some over Friday and the weekend so I can finally finish getting our clothes put away and hopefully clear out more stuff from the downstairs. Part of the problem has been that Sam hasn't been falling asleep very early and he needs one of us to be there if he wakes up. It's all just part of the transition.
  • We went camping last weekend, it was Sam's first time and he had a lot of fun running around with his friends and wading in the river. It was a much needed break from a house full of boxes, that's for sure!
  • My husband finally got the network up here at home, which I THINK means I now have wireless so I can use the laptop. Which means hopefully I'll be back to posting regularly in the next few days. I have TONS of posts 1/2 written in my head.
  • I'm going to start a new feature. I don't have a name for it yet, and suggestions are DEFINITELY welcome. Once a week, I'm going to start posting something from one of my old journals (anywhere from 6th grade up through a couple years ago) or from a box of notes I found that my friends and I wrote in high school. Should be interesting!
  • Cramps suck.
  • I have been a bad bloggy friend - I've been reading but I haven't had the time to comment on many things. I'm still thinking about you all!
That's about it for now. I'll be back soon. Promise.


Melissa aka Equidae said...

a title for your new post could be journey back in time or from a journal :) glad that things are getting into place :) I wouldnt mind visiting NY again hhe but I dont think I would like to leave Gregory since he'd only be 1 1/2 yrs besides i'd need loads of money and a weekend wouldn't really be a viable option either sooooo

Patty Reiser said...

I think you already created a title for this new journey, "A Box of Notes"
I'm not good at graphic design but perhaps a graphic could be made of a box, with the lid decorated somewhat vintage with pieces of old paper and notes sticking out.
Just a thought after I've been sitting her at my computer for hours.
Wishing you a scent-sational day!
PS- I just moved my Blog so it might confuse you. I'm still This Desert Life {in pictures} just got a new location.

Unknown said...

My friend Jenny went to BlogHer this year and last. She says its a blast...I wouldn't mind going but trying to talk my husband into letting me use some of our precious airline miles for the plane ride, forking over money for hotel and the conference, food and entertainment...and oh by the way, could you take time off work and watch the kids for a few days while I'm in New York?
Yeah...not gonna happen.

Audrey at Barking Mad said...

You certainly don't owe anyone any explanations. Especially not me...who most often lurks and can't put two brain cells together to leave a decent comment.

But I'm here and I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

Mrs. M said...

I haven't been the best bloggy friend either lately, but I will return! NYC sounds awesome!!!