July 14, 2010

A Better Blog? Coming Right Up!

There are many reasons I decided to participate in the SITS Problogger 31 Days to a Better Blog Challenge.

Because my feedreader isn't full enough already, and I wanted to add some more people. Because I don't have enough to do with a newborn and a needy toddler. Because I don't already get hundreds of twitter updates a day on my phone.

Okay, those aren't really the reasons. I decided to do it because I've been a little out of the blogging community. I haven't been roll calling at SITS like I used to, and haven't been too involved in forums and discussions. And I miss it.

I decided to do it because I know I am a good writer, but sometimes it doesn't come across. I want my blog to be a little less all-over-the-place, a little more together. I want people to READ what I'm writing because it's who I am, and it connects me with people sharing who they are.

I decided to do it because I love to write, I absolutely love it. It's something I want to share with as many people as I can.

I decided to do it because with the coupon code, how could I justify NOT buying the workbook?! It's something I'd see online and pass by because it costs money. Instead, this time, I decided that I'm worth it!

I decided to do it because I felt inspired and excited at the idea of it, and that is almost enough right there!

So, what am I hoping for? More readers = more connections = more online community. Honing my writing skills. Writing some really good stuff. Learning how to make my blog better! I love blogging, and I can't wait to share the next month with the 200+ other ladies (and gents) taking the challenge! I am excited to see how we all interpret it and celebrate our triumphs together!

It's not too late to join us! I'm sure that there are dozens of reasons people are doing it! Nirvana Mama lists 10 right here, my favorite of which is definitely this one: "Because if someone asks you what you did this summer, instead of saying, “I organized my closets,” wouldn’t you rather say, “I followed my blogging bliss,”? (If this isn’t TRUE, we can never be friends.)" Just click the image above, and visit the forum at Blog Frog. You can sign up there and get all the information you need!


Jen said...

Great post! Excited to start following you along with getting into this whole Challenge thing. Keep writing and sharing. More connections=happy blogger!

Unknown said...

I'm participating, too! I'm so excited. Hopefully this will get my blog into gear! :)

Lynda said...

Wonderful post. I'm so excited also and hope for many of the same things.

I've already made so many connections. T his is going to be a unique experience!

tvchiq :) said...

good luck with the blogging...I'll send a new facebook request..no problem..... :)

Mrs4444 said...

You're right; you are a great writer. Good luck with your quest! :)

Lucy said...

I'm doing the challenge too. Hoping to get focused and really build my blog. Even though, like you, I have not one spare second in the day. Oh well. We will make time, right? Glad you found me on twitter. I love Bellingham! Subscribing!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

You're an awesome writer girl! But holy moly....you're super mom...I don't know how you juggle it all. You go girl!

TRR said...

Your blog is beautiful and your post was quite inspiring. I'll be joining you on this challenge. We can do it!

Barbara Hammond said...

I'm looking forward to the challenge as well! I also love to write, and honestly can't believe it took me this long to learn how to blog... which is an ongoing process! Keep on writing! See you during the challenge!

Missy said...

What a great post! I am looking forward to the challenge too.

Unplanned Cooking said...

I agree - blogging is only as fun as the connections you make. That's what makes it so special.

Barb said...

I am excited for tomorrow! The 31DBBB will be fun! I also will say I started a blog this summer and found a new passion!

Lindsay {Designer Wife} said...

Love your reasons!! I'm so excited to start this challenge, too, and look forward to reading around your blog some more! :)