January 14, 2010

Who Am I To Talk Lurkers?!

It's kind of funny that I'm posting this today since for the last week I've been a major lurker on all the blogs I read, as well as on my own!

Well, that's what you get when you have a kid with a 102-105 temp for four days, then a major cough for 3+. And he doesn't eat during that time. Then on the day he finally gets a bunch of his energy back? You feel like crap and the glands in your neck are so swollen that they hurt when you're not even touching them. WOO! Obviously, it's been a fun week here. Also, let's not talk about the disaster area that is my house with a super clingy kid not going to school.

Aaaaaanyway... today is Delurking Day.
Hosted by Greeblemonkey and Rude Cactus, it's a very special day for all us bloggers to flash each other come out of the silence and introduce ourselves!
I know you guys are out there, and I know a few of you, but there are WAY more subscribers than I know personally, and I want you to say Hi! Leave a comment... where are you from? What do you like to do? I'll come visit your blog if you do!
That's all I can manage for now... I am totally beat and my husband is in the kitchen making me some bacon.


Amanda said...

I will delurk from my google reader :) hi!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I'm sorry everyone has been so sick. I hope you feel better soon...it suck to be sick...but sick on top of being pregnant sucks.

ps...I stole the little delurker pic and gonna use it on mine! :)

Enz said...

Bacon is better than blogging any day!!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you better health from here on in...being in with my sick daughter makes me more than a little crazy...and guess who always gets sick as soon as she gets better? Love your blog, will be back, and hope to see you soon.

Unknown said...

I have also been guilty of lurking. I just have sooo many blogs to read!! And I never know what to say in comments...
I hope you feel better soon!

Mrs. M said...

Sorry you have to deal with all the sickness too. Why does it always have to be so spread out, is that easier than everyone getting it all at once and being miserable together?? I'm not sure. Hope you are all better soon!

Anonymous said...

I think I'm about as lurky/lazy as they come! I think it comes from some need to post some witty comment on everyone's blog when all I have to really talk about is how so-and-so bodily fluid is being crazy this week. ;)

Mama Bee said...

Damn, I'm that Anomymous. Stupid iPhone...

Kimberly said...

hahaha me too! I'm delurking to thank you for delurking! :)

Shannon said...

UGH, sorry to hear y'all have been sick... hope everyone is on the mend by now.

I wish my husband was in our kitchen, making some bacon for me. Bacon just makes everything better. I love bacon.

Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...

I am totally late, but here I am!

YAY for delurking!

Karen Bodkin said...

I'm late but I'm here! Hi!