April 6, 2009

It Wasn't Me!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. Also, thanks to Megan at Newly Wed, Newly Bred, which is where I discovered Not Me! Monday - her Monday posts ALWAYS make me laugh!

My theme for my very first Not Me! Monday is 'What I did didn't do this weekend'.

It was not me who let my kid watch several hours of TV on Friday morning. I would never let him watch a bunch of TV just because he is in a super cuddly mood and wants to sit on the couch on my lap snuggling all morning.

I definitely didn't sing a bunch of songs on Karaoke at our Mom's Night In on Friday night. During the time we were singing, we were averaging scores of 300,000 - 500,000 (this was on the X-Box). I certainly didn't sing several songs, discovering that I didn't know them as well as I thought. A couple songs led to scores of 1,000,000 for me and other ladies (Soak Up the Sun). It was NOT me who got the highest score of the evening by 300%, scoring over 3,000,000. And I DEFINITELY did NOT get that score singing Bust a Move by Young M.C. Nope.

On Sunday, it wasn't me who got annoyed that it was taking so long for Sam to go to sleep. No, I wouldn't do that because spending that time together is a gift, and I wouldn't want to rush it. I definitely didn't wish he would just fall asleep already so I could go watch TV.

When I came out, I definitely did not act annoyed at my husband because the internet/TV wasn't working because he was doing something to set it up. Nope. I wouldn't let out annoyed sighs, especially on a day when he spent hours doing maintenance work at his Dad's house, mowing our lawn, doing the dishes and cooking dinner. I am not a jerk...

What did you not do in the last week?


Mimi said...

I know you would never do any of those things!

Mimi said...

I left you a tag on my blog!

Anonymous said...

LOL - I'm not sure how, but I read "he spent hours doing imaginary maintenance" and I choked on my drink.