April 29, 2012


Sam's birthday is this Wednesday.  Justin is leaving on a mission trip to Mexico on Tuesday morning, so we had his birthday party this weekend so Justin could be there.  Sam wanted to have his party at Jump Around Fun Zone.  At first I wasn't sure because of the cost, but then I realized it's awesome.  They provide ALL the activity the kids need, balloons, pizza, drinks, cake, a shirt for the birthday boy, and goody bags for all the kids.  You don't have to help clean up, and they even make the gift list for thank-you cards.  Win!  No unwanted leftovers, just a few slices of pizza.  The cake was the perfect size so we don't have a big cake sitting in the kitchen calling me either.  It was great.

Sam had an amazing time.  It was a funny mix of kids - one boy from his preschool who we haven't seen in nearly a year, kids from his class, other kindergarten classes, and first grade, friends from Seattle and family.  Here are a few of my favorite photos from the day.

Drawing pictures for Sam

Chalkboard tables?  Awesome!

Delicious cake from Pure Bliss

The conversation that was happening here, remembered by my Mom: " He had this overall demeanor of bewildered joy during the present opening portion. Did you see the look on his face when Chasey gave him just what he wanted? He said, "How did you know what I like?" and she said, "I just thought you would like those things." I thought his little heart was going to burst."

Reading his own cards for the first time ever!

I just love him looking up at me in this one.

Deep in contemplation after opening all the presents.

They had a cool chalkboard where people could draw pictures/write messages.

Sam with his Grandma & Grandpa.

My best friend's daughter - too cute for words!

Danny in the "balloon forest" on the way home in the car.
I just can't believe how big he is.  He had such a good time, and it was a great day!

April 24, 2012

Week 19/20 Update: Up & Down

Current Weight:  225+/- 
this week:  -0.2
+/- this round:   -24.8
+/- total:    -42.9
Current Short Term Goal:  217 (50 pounds lighter)

Last week was the first time in months that I have not posted a weekly updated.  I've been pretty absent around here lately, and it's not making me happy.  So, I a working on several posts right now.  I had gotten into a really great rhythm with writing and then with Sam getting sick and spring break and trips out of town I got off track.  Hopefully I'll be getting back on now!

Last week was weird, the scale showed a gain of 2 pounds even though I didn't feel like I'd gained that much.  This week it was gone... so I don't know.  There are always weeks like that on occasion, bygones, right?  I've been doing terrible with eating but a new week started today and I'm tracking normal again and will be making a new meal plan tonight.  I also was doing really well with activity but fell off a little the last couple weeks, so I'm going to start buckling down there too.

That's about it for now - but hopefully lots more to come!

Starting Weight 1 (Feb 2009):  267 lbs
Starting Weight 2 (Dec 2011):  249.8 lbs
Starting BMI:  41.8

Weight Lost:  42.9 lbs
Goal Weight: 160 lbs
Goal BMI:  25.1

Short Term Goal 1: 237.8 (5%) - Met 1/24/12
Short Term Goal 2: 225.8 (10%) - Met 4/10/12
Short Term Goal 3:  217 (50 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 4: 213.5 (50% of final goal)
Short Term Goal 5:  207 (60 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 6: 199.9 (under 200 for the first time in 7+ years)
Short Term Goal 7: 192 (75 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 8: 189.8 (25% & no longer "obese")

Long Term Goal: 160 lbs
Total to Lose:  107 lbs
To Go: 65 lbs

April 10, 2012

Week 18: 10% Down

Current Weight:  225.2
+/- this week:  -1.4
+/- this round:   -24.6
+/- total:    -42.7
Current Short Term Goal:   225.8 (10%) - met!
New Short Term Goal:  217 (50 pounds lighter)

Today I hit my 10% goal.  10% of my weight, gone.  16% if you start from my heaviest weight of 267.  I got my charm ring and my 16 week charm.

I hung it from the mirror in my car as a reminder - this IS possible.  I am doing this.  I can keep doing this.  It's not always easy, but I've only had one gain in the past 18 weeks, and that's pretty good.  Last time around I didn't hit my 10% goal until 25 weeks in.  That's almost 2 months longer than this time around.  I got a ton of activity points this week, and that's my current focus - getting activity nearly every day.  I got 40+ activity points last week.  I walked today before my meeting, and tomorrow I'm meeting my Mom and 3 friends for a walk.  Hopefully Danny will cooperate and ride nicely in his stroller.  I'm going to start using my Zumba Wii game more and maybe doing some of my workout videos.  I'm starting to actually want to do it.  It's an interesting juxtaposition because I really HATE exercising.  While I'm doing it, I'm waiting for it to be done.  But at the same time, I want to do it because it's getting me where I want to go.  Next week, I will probably get my next charm - the 25 lb ring.  I lost another point today, so I'm at 35 points plus allowance for each day.  We took a really nice family photo over Easter weekend, and I decided it was time for a comparison.  So:

That's me in February 2009 at my heaviest weight.  I took 'before' photos because I knew I would want them.  On the right is me this past weekend.  Even though I still feel really fat a lot of the time... it's kind of crazy how heavy I was.  I can't believe I've lost almost 50 pounds.  How could I have been carrying around so much extra weight?  I feel slow and cumbersome NOW, how could I have been doing anything then?

My next goal is 217 pounds - that marks a total loss of 50 pounds.  I've only got 7.3 pounds to go to get there.  I think it will feel like a big deal.  I already decided my next goal after that - 213.5 pounds.  That will mark the halfway point to my goal weight.  It will also mark the least I will have weighed in over 6 years.  I've mapped what I think are good short term goals down below.  When I look at them like this, it seems so much more surmountable.

It's late and I'm tired and feeling really mellow and introspective, so I'm going to head to bed.  I'm hoping to be writing more regularly soon - I have about 10 blog posts floating around in my head half written right now.  My schedule is getting back to normal, so soon I hope to get them all down.

Starting Weight 1 (Feb 2009):  267 lbs
Starting Weight 2 (Dec 2011):  249.8 lbs
Starting BMI:  41.8

Weight Lost:  42.7 lbs
Goal Weight: 160 lbs
Goal BMI:  25.1

Short Term Goal 1: 237.8 (5%) - Met 1/24/12
Short Term Goal 2: 225.8 (10%) - Met 4/10/12
Short Term Goal 3:  217 (50 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 4: 213.5 (50% of final goal)
Short Term Goal 5:  207 (60 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 6: 199.9 (under 200 for the first time in 7+ years)
Short Term Goal 7: 192 (75 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 8: 189.8 (25% & no longer "obese")

Long Term Goal: 160 lbs
Total to Lose:  107 lbs
To Go: 65.2 lbs

April 4, 2012

Week 17: Short & Sweet

Current Weight:  226.6
+/- this week:  -1.2
+/- this round:   -23.2
+/- total:    -41.3
Current Short Term Goal:   225.8 (10%)

Oops!  I totally forgot to post this yesterday.  I don't have much time, I'm about to head down to Seattle for a (hopefully not too wet) visit to the zoo with my best friend & her kiddos.  Sam and Danny haven't been there in a while, and my sister's going to come too, so that will be fun.  I really don't like being out in the rain, but I'll suck it up since the kids don't mind as much.  I packed extra everything - clothes, shoes, coats etc.

This week I was pleasantly surprised again by a 1.2 pound loss.  I wasn't really expecting it because I didn't eat super great, but I did get a lot of activity points this week, so that helps a lot!  I am feeling really good lately about my progress - less than a pound to reach my 10% goal, and next week I'll hit my 16 week milestone with Weight Watchers (I've skipped 2 meetings since I started, so my count here is different).  I feel like maybe this really will be my year... could it be possible?

I was thinking about it the other day, and realized I have lost a whole Danny since December.  And a whole Sam total.  That's crazy!  When I pick Sam up and carry him, it's hard to believe that I used to have that much more weight on me.  Even with Danny if I hold him for more than a few minutes, he starts to feel heavy.  Revelations like this are really motivational to me, and make me feel more proud of what I've done even though some days it doesn't feel like a lot since I have so far to go still.

I finally made a new meal plan on Monday, so we're back on track for delicious, healthy meals.  Last night we had one of my favorites, spaghetti w/chicken and grape tomatoes.  I added some tasty sweet peppers that Justin's co-worker gave him and it would have been perfect if not for a pasta snafu.  I was out of my regular brand (Ancient Harvest Quinoa pasta - delicious!) and used some other gluten free pasta I had by DeBoles... it did not turn out well, after it sat for a few minutes while I cooked the tomatoes etc. it turned into a huge, mushy mess.  Justin compared the texture to oatmeal.  Appetizing, right?

I went to the mall and did over an hour of walking yesterday, and should get some good walking in at the zoo today and Northwest Trek this weekend.  Challenges will be today at the zoo, then Saturday and Sunday away from home visiting family & friends (plus Easter candy).  I'll have to try to get a lot of activity points this week!

Starting Weight 1 (Feb 2009):  267 lbs
Starting Weight 2 (Dec 2011):  249.8 lbs
Starting BMI:  41.8

Weight Lost:  41.3 lbs
Goal Weight: 160 lbs
Goal BMI:  25.1

Short Term Goal 1: 237.8 (5%) - Met 1/24/12
Short Term Goal 2: 225.8 (10%)
Short Term Goal 3:  217 (50 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 4: 213.5 (50% of final goal)

Long Term Goal: 160 lbs
Total to Lose:  107 lbs
To Go: 66.6 lbs