October 28, 2011

Friday Fragments: Foliage & Freaky Decorations

Friday Fragments are bits and pieces of your week that are usually brief; too short for a stand-alone post, but too good to discard. Collect humorous observations, "Heard" items, and other small gems and put them together in a Friday Fragments post.

Friday Fragments are the brainchild of Mrs.4444 and you can find more at Half Past Kissin' Time.


I finally got around to taking some photos of the fall foliage yesterday.  For whatever reason, I am enjoying the changing leaves to a crazy degree this year.  I don't remember ever being so drawn in by the beauty of the colors and the brightness.  The other day I drove around for almost an hour just looking at trees because they are so gorgeous.  There are these two trees in particular near the big cemetery that I've been admiring.


Yesterday we had our first morning bus stop incident of Sam not wanting to get on the bus.  He was crying and begging me to take him in the car.  It seemed to stem from him not being in line with his friends.  And maybe just being tired because it was getting close to the end of the week.  I finally convinced him to get on, mostly through bribery and reminding him about a video game we were buying for him today.  He wanted me to promise to pick him up at school, but it was my day off, so my Mom was getting him.  I talked to her, and she ended up picking him up after school instead of at the bus stop, and it was all fine.  But after he got on and I got back in the car, I cried a little bit.  I know that it was reasonable to ask him to get on that bus.  Yet, it felt so heartbreaking to me for him to be so sad.  He's been in a major Mommy phase lately, and he wants to be with me all the time.  He is such a big boy, but in some ways, he is still so young.


I started working on Sam's Halloween costume last night.  I am pretty sure it's going to be ridiculous.  Photos will certainly be forthcoming.  In the meantime, here is a photo of an awesome house in my town.  Covered in spiders.


We have 3 days of fun coming up - Halloween party Saturday night, Halloween party Sunday afternoon, then trick or treating with Sam's friends on Monday evening.  I think that we'll be all tired out before the week even starts next week!  Do you have any fun plans for the weekend or the holiday?


Ediehope said...

I remember making you go to kindergarten one day when you were crying and didn't want to go. I still feel bad about it. Motherhood.

Sorta Southern Single Mom said...

I miss the foliage... it's not the same down here.

I'm sorry about your son. It's so hard when they go through things like this and you know what you need to do, but it doesn't make it any easier.