April 28, 2011

Friday Fragments: Video Edition!

Friday Fragments are bits and pieces of your week that are usually brief; too short for a stand-alone post, but too good to discard. Collect humorous observations, "Heard" items, and other small gems and put them together in a Friday Fragments post.

Friday Fragments are the brainchild of Mrs.4444 and you can find more at Half Past Kissin' Time.


This week for my Friday Fragments I'm feeling quite fragmented, and have decided to do a video edition. I will intersperse my fragments with videos of the songs I sing to Danny when I'm putting him to bed. It can be pretty random. Here's the first one - one I had sung to me as a child. Who could possibly not love this one?


This week's Glee was SO GOOD. I loved it, particularly this fabulous mashup of Rachel & Quinn singing Unpretty/I Feel Pretty.

Also, Kurt is FINALLY back! He is my absolute favorite, and Chris Colfer singing As If I Never Said Goodbye? SO GOOD. I was glad they gave him such a wonderful song, and a totally full length version of it too. And they always do Gaga well, don't they? I totally teared up a couple of times, including when poor Emma was sitting in the psychiatrists office getting her prescription. As someone who has had to take that step to ask a doctor for help I am glad they are treating it a little bit as a serious issue instead of just having it be 'funny' forever.


Here's song #2 I sing regularly. I couldn't find an official video, please ignore the weird imagery.

I have never been a HUGE country fan, but I do like some of Garth Brooks stuff, and this is perfectly in my range.


Are you on Pinterest yet? If not, WHY NOT? Yes, is is completely and ridiculously addictive. But it's so much fun! Also, having a place to go and basically just look at pretty things you like? It's awesome. I also like it because I can use it to pin things instead of bookmarking them in my browser, then I can access them from anywhere and know where to find them later.


Song three... sad subject matter, but I love, love, love this song.


Sam is turning FIVE on Monday. Can you believe that? I can't! For his birthday, we're dropping Danny off at my Mom's and having a just-for-Sam day down in Seattle going to the Pacific Science Center, including the Star Wars exhibit. He is SUPER excited, and I honestly can't wait. Extra bonus, I'll get to dawdle around in the butterfly room with my new camera!


Another Dixie Chicks song. I wasn't sure about this song at first, because I thought it was about a man. Then I realized it wasn't, and it might have made me tear up a little. It's beautiful.


Danny got his first bleeding injury today. Twice. Yeah, he did not have a great day. This morning he finally managed to hurt himself on the two brick steps leading down into our living room. I didn't actually see it happen, but he somehow fell directly on his face and got a bloody nose. Not five hours later, Sam managed to kick him in the face with sock feet and he was bleeding in his mouth. Poor little dude. He was happy again by the time he went to bed though, and went down without even waking up.


Here's another song I like to sing as a lullaby, because I like some of the lyrics. It's relaxing.

What lullabies did you/do you sing your kids? Did your parents sing to you?


We got Sam Kirby's Epic Yarn for his birthday. He has been watching the Ultimate Wii Challenge video of the two guys playing it for weeks, and he LOVES it. We gave it to him early because we knew how much he was looking forward to it, and it's tons of fun and easy enough that he can play it for the most part. We have all been having a good time playing together.

Well, I guess that's all for this week. I'm off to visit you guys! I haven't been getting as much computer time lately, so I'm really looking forward to reading the fragments this week.


Brandi. said...

We are all singers in this house. It's funny to randomly hear one of the kids singing something we heard earlier in the day. :)

upinthecosmos said...

I love Glee and am also glad that they are getting serious with Emma's issues, Kurt's back & Santana wore the shirt:-) stop in & read Fraggin Friday Part Deux

Zemeks said...

I like your birthday idea for Sam. I'm sure it'll be a great day and a wonderful memory for him! Have a great weekend!

Stopping by from FF.

Mrs4444 said...

Happy Birthday, Sam!

I loved GLEE this week, too. It was nice to get off of the smutty stuff for a change. I loved that Rachael left her nose alone :)

I also loved singing to my kids when they were small. I made some of the songs up, but the classics were also faves...Jesus Loves Me, Kumbaya, etc. Yours are sweet....