November 8, 2008

Saturday Share: OBAMA Edition!

It's been a couple of weeks since I did my Saturday Share, and I want to get back into it again.  This week, since I've been so inspired and delighted by what's been going on, I decided I want to highlight my favorite posts about the election.  There is a lot of hope in these words, but also some sadness, mostly due to the passage of California's Proposition 8.  I share the hope, and I share the sadness.  Read on for some great perspectives that will make you laugh & cry.
  • Shannymar at The Mommy Project writes about her feelings on the election, and also how Obama is not too hard on the eyes (hehe).
  • Bejewell's letter to her son at The Bean mirrors some of my emotions thinking about my son and the world he'll know.
  • Rebecca at Girl's Gone Child writes about our evolution.
  • Dawn at Growing a Pair (and her husband) explain why it's so bittersweet.
  • Todd at Iced Tea & Sarcasm stands up for his rights.
  • Kimberly at Petroville wins for best way to notify someone of the election results.
  • Maria at Immoral Matriarch is overjoyed - and scared.
Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

I just read your letter, and I was struck by how much we share in common. Hasn't this been a great week?

P.S. Little known fact: My bean's a Sam, too.

toddx said...

Thanks for all your support, Rachael!

Kimberly said...

hahahaha - yeah, my kid is bent. Cool wrap up!