Seriously, ABC? When I read the article that informed me that Pushing Daisies and Eli Stone have both been cancelled, I was so mad that I got teary eyed. Yes, I understand that that makes me a total freak. But Pushing Daisies is amazing. One of the best shows on TV. It makes me laugh every week. It's pretty, it's new, it's interesting. So, of course it couldn't stay. I'm less distraught about Eli Stone, but not by a huge amount. I think both of these shows are among the most original on TV these days, and I find them quite refreshing.
There is talk of a Pushing Daisies movie already, as the last episode filmed ends on a cliffhanger, and at least SOMEONE out there cares about how sad that will make me and a lot of other people. My best friend doesn't think it will actually happen, and of course I'd be thrilled if the show was saved, even if only for a few episodes.
hmmm SITS?? did i click the wrong blog?
Thanks for stopping by! Merry SITSmas.
NO way! They're cancelling Pushing Daisies? wah!! That's one of the shows that my kids actually like to watch with me. I love that show!
Thanks for stopping by to wish me a Merry SITSmas. Merry SITSmas to you too!!!
This is amazing!! I am so glad I found your blog!
Welcome to my blog…….
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
OH MY GOSH - when I heard the news too - I teared up... really like Eli Stone but ADORE Pushing Daisies.... everything about it is so magical.... I'm still so upset about this... Wondering if we could save it somehow... didn't a group of people save Jericho (or something like that?)
I really can't believe that!!!!!!!
I am new here! What a great blog :) ♥ Hugs!
Bellingham eh? My sister lives in Seattle and her nanny was from Bellingham. I don't think I have ever been to Bellingham, probably because I have only been to Seattle a handful of times.
Cute blog!!
I love Eli Stone. Can't believe they're cancelling it.
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