July 12, 2012

Week 31: 19 Weeks to Lose 19 Pounds

Current Weight:  219.6
+/-  this week:  -0.0
+/- this round:   -30.2
+/- total:    -47.6
Current Short Term Goal:  217 (50 pounds lighter)

I didn't got to a meeting this week or go get weighed in.  We are in the middle of a sort of cleanse with Sam that makes it easiest to stick close to home.  

When I wrote up my goals for 2012, one of them was to be under 200 lbs by my birthday (Nov 23).  I am halfway to that goal, and there are 19 weeks left.  I need to lose 19 pounds by then.  This should not be hard.  Maybe I can even make it to 192, which would be a total loss of 75 lbs.  Mostly though, before I turn 32, I want to see 199.9 on my scale.

One of my other goals was to exercise at least 3 times a week, which up until summer vacation, I've actually been doing pretty well on.  Now that I'm counting and getting back to accountability, I'll have to start looking for my activity points again.  I have been making an effort to still get the kids to bed fairly close to their usual time, but really I could do it after I put Danny to bed even if Sam's still up.  Maybe.  We'll see.

So that's that.  I'll do an official weigh in next week.

Starting Weight 1 (Feb 2009):  267 lbs
Starting Weight 2 (Dec 2011):  249.8 lbs
Starting BMI:  41.8

Weight Lost:  47.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 160 lbs
Goal BMI:  25.1

Short Term Goal 1: 237.8 (5%) - Met 1/24/12
Short Term Goal 2: 225.8 (10%) - Met 4/10/12
Short Term Goal 3:  217 (50 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 4: 213.5 (50% of final goal)
Short Term Goal 5:  207 (60 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 6: 199.9 (under 200 for the first time in 7+ years)
Short Term Goal 7: 192 (75 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 8: 189.8 (25% &  no longer "obese")

Long Term Goal: 160 lbs
Total to Lose:  107 lbs
To Go: 59.6 lbs


Nicki Ditch said...

You can totally do this!!!!!  I am rooting for ya!!!!!

Mrs4444 said...

You can do it!!! :)  Your hard work will soo pay off!

Shannon said...

19 lbs in 19 weeks is totally doable!  You can do it!