July 3, 2012

Week 30: An Interesting Change

Current Weight:  219.6
+/-  this week:  -0.8
+/- this round:   -30.2
+/- total:    -47.6
Current Short Term Goal:  217 (50 pounds lighter)

You may have noticed that I haven't posted a weekly update in three weeks.  That's because - guess what?  I skipped not one but TWO weigh ins.  Not only that, but I haven't tracked in three weeks.  Yet, look at my weigh in...  I lost 0.8 lbs which is negligible.  But it's NOT A GAIN.  For the last three weeks I have been eating in a way that feels completely off the rails for me, and not getting any regular exercise.  For me, the fact that I haven't gained weight in the last few weeks is a HUGE change from the past.  Even when I am not working towards weight loss and feel like I am eating out of control, I am obviously not eating to the degree I used to.  I know that eating because of stress or depression is not healthy, but I also see now that I am more in control of tings than I may have thought.  This also gives me hope because it makes me feel like if I can get back on track with counting points & exercise that I WILL lose weight.

My Mom's husband came over the other day and brought my elliptical machine in to the house for me.  This is good because my main form of exercise thus far has been walking, and that is majorly thrown off by Sam being on summer vacation.  He can't walk the distance I want or for the amount of time I need in order to get real exercise.  So, now my plan is to use the elliptical machine 4 or more times a week after the kids go to bed.  Being able to watch TV while I exercise is a good motivator for me, which is kind of funny, but also true.

So that's that.  I am chugging along around here.

Starting Weight 1 (Feb 2009):  267 lbs
Starting Weight 2 (Dec 2011):  249.8 lbs
Starting BMI:  41.8

Weight Lost:  47.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 160 lbs
Goal BMI:  25.1

Short Term Goal 1: 237.8 (5%) - Met 1/24/12
Short Term Goal 2: 225.8 (10%) - Met 4/10/12
Short Term Goal 3:  217 (50 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 4: 213.5 (50% of final goal)
Short Term Goal 5:  207 (60 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 6: 199.9 (under 200 for the first time in 7+ years)
Short Term Goal 7: 192 (75 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 8: 189.8 (25% &  no longer "obese")

Long Term Goal: 160 lbs
Total to Lose:  107 lbs
To Go: 59.6 lbs


Enz said...

Just dont give up. Keep plugging away - those 0.8 lbs all add up.

Kelley @ Magnetoboldtoo said...

you rock girl, totally rock.  A loss when you aren't even trying.  Think of it that way.
