July 8, 2012

Introducing: Born in Bellingham

Yesterday, an idea struck me and I couldn't let it go.  After reading another inspiring birth story in my Bellingham Mamas group on Facebook, I started to think that it would be really cool to have a place online for all of us to share our stories and inspire other women.  Out of that, this was born.

From the homepage:

This is a place for local mamas to share their inspiring birth stories. From time to time, we will also feature birth stories from outside of Washington, but we're starting right here at home. We believe that birth is amazing and can be one of the most empowering things a woman experiences in life. We also believe that all mothers deserve recognition for their strength, whether their baby was had at home, in a hospital, with an epidural or without, or by c-section. Each birth is different, and each is powerful in it's own way. By sharing our stories, we hope to inspire, empower and educate other women in Bellingham and the rest of the world.

So, I would love for you to check it out.  And if you're in Bellingham, or Washington in general, or wherever really, I want to include YOUR birth story.  This is small for now, but I'm hoping that it will grow and be something really special for my community.  I feel a little spark... like maybe this is just the beginning of me getting involved in a field I am really passionate about.

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