June 30, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Baby Mine

Took these last week. Fell in love with the last one immediately upon seeing it. 7 weeks old.





For more Wordless Wednesday posts, click here.


tvchiq :) said...

awesome pix...love the last pic as well...and his eyes are beautiful...

ps...I saw an old post of yours and you mentioned Vienna Teng--I like her and don't know anyone else who even knows her...you got great taste...keep up the good work with the blog... :)

Rachael said...

tvchiq, that's funny I have never known anyone else who knew Vienna Teng either. I discovered her when I worked at Borders and we had her perform in store. I love Sarah McLachlan and she was in between CDs, and found that Vienna filled the gap quite nicely. Thanks for reading!

Mrs4444 said...

So precious...