April 18, 2006

38 Week Appointment

We just got back from my weekly appointment - 38 weeks, can you believe it? I am 2 cm dialated now (from fingertip/less than 1 cm last week), and starting to efface. It makes it a little more scary because something is really happening. He also measured my belly, which he measured at 42, while last week his nurse measured it at 37. So that's odd. Since the baby hasn't changed from head down, he said if it's still like that next week he might do an ultrasound, but he "didn't think the baby suddenly became ginormous". Yes, my doctor said ginormous, and that's why I like him. Maybe Sam is just in a weird position today - or maybe he was in a weird position last week. Who knows?

Justin keeps telling me to pack a bag for the hospital - I guess I really should. I'm convinced baby isn't going to come early, but who knows what could happen? Woo! Just a couple more things to get done, and I'm going to try and do them tonight and tomorrow so that I know everything's ready and I can really relax. The last week or so has been GREAT since all the big stuff has already been done, and I haven't been worried about being ready for Sam to get here. There are just a few more things I want to do around the house.

Mom didn't end up coming down this weekend, but she is coming next weekend to visit with Kira and a bunch of her friends and their Moms. I'll probably go to Tacoma at some point during the weekend to see all of them, but hopefully Mom will be able to stop by here too. Also, my friend Kelly who was due the same day as me had her baby last Friday! She had a scheduled c-section for the 24th, but baby needed to come a little earlier. She is home from the hospital and doing well - hopefully I'll get to visit with her and meet the new little one before I have one of my own!

Well, we're off to pick up a package from the office and get parking stickers for our cars since we have both gotten new cars since we moved in here, then off to a movie with Brooke. More soon!

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