February 23, 2010

What I'm Watching

If you've read my blog for any length of time, or... well, MET me, you know that I love TV. I watch it what many people would consider 'too much.' Whatevs, I don't really care. You may recall this insane post in which I revealed my ridiculous OCD and the even more ridiculous number of shows that I follow. So, now that things are getting back in swing and February sweeps is upon us, here are my thoughts on a few of them.

LOST - I have not started watching it yet. I know, I know. For all the excitement I have it's one of the few shows that I absolutely have to watch without doing something else, like messing around on my computer or whatever, and I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Maybe in the next couple of days.

Supernatural - Super excited that this got renewed for a sixth season! This season has been so good with the Angels/Apocolypse storyline and the exploration of Sam and Dean's inner demons. Some of you may have noticed that come May I will have sons named Sam and Dan. That's... just a coincidence, I SWEAR.

Ugly Betty - I have been enjoying Ugly Betty more lately, of course now we know this is the final season. I have liked the storyline involving Mark. Am I the only one that sort of wants Betty & Daniel to end up together at the end? I dunno, I always sort of have. I doubt they'll do that though.

Desperate Housewives - I watch it every week, and it's interesting to me. But can I just say... Why does Lynette ALWAYS have to get the short end of the stick?? After the loss of the twin/aftermath of the airplane crash episode I just couldn't get over how these things always have to happen to her. WHY Marc Cherry?!

Glee - It's not even on right now and I can't help bringing it up because it is ABSOLUTELY one of my most favorite shows EVAR! I love it so much, and I can't stop listening to Chris Colfer & Lea Michele sing "Defying Gravity" on the soundtrack. I can't wait until April when it's back on!

The Mentalist - This is another show that I highly enjoy, although I feel a little bit anxious for them to get on with the Red John storyline because I need to know stuff.

Heroes - I'm sort of so/so on this again. I loved the first half of this season, but now that it's back and into the second half I'm sort of on the fence again. Lately the best thing to me was Hiro's hilarious (well, sort of since it is supposedly a brain tumor) mix up of words and use of characters from books to try and communicate with Ando. Also I totally loved the scene that resulted in Sark (yeah whatever, David Anders will always be Sark to me) saying "Objection, your honor. He's reciting the opening from 'Quantum Leap.'"

Human Target - Is anyone else watching this show? Because I LOVE it. It is SO over the top, and it makes me so happy. Plus I love Chi McBride, and Jackie Earle Haley is pretty good in it. Also, within two episodes? There was Ethan from Lost and The Cigarette Smoking Man from The X-Files. So that made me happy. It's based on a DC comic, and it's just awesome.

I tried a few new shows this year, but I totally gave up on Modern Family, Community, Trauma and Mercy. I stuck with Cougar Town and V, which disappeared after 4 episodes and I'm not sure when it's set to come back.

What shows are you watching and enjoying lately? What new shows did you try and like or try and give up on?


Unknown said...

I am SO with you on "Glee". I have the soundtracks and my fav to listen to is "Defying Gravity" - sooo good. Those actors are all so very talented.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I so love Glee and cannot wait for its return. V comes back March 30th I think...at 10, right after LOST. Which I actually don't understand. My daughter was watching that with us...and now she'll need to tivo it. We actually netflixed the miniseries from the 80s to watch in the meantime...what a hoot!

And LOST. I so love it. Do you mean you haven't watched any from this season?

One of my favorites has been Vampire Diaries. Have you seen that??

Unknown said...

Human Target-I've been enjoying that. The banter between Chi McBride and Jackie Earle Haley's characters is so great.
Lost-You need to start watching...seriously. Go now.
Heroes-I think I've been sticking with it out of a feeling of obligation. I started watching it from day one. Last season was a tad disappointing and this season was okay but I have my doubts about NBC sticking with that one.
Cougar Town-LOVE IT! It will be back. The other networks aren't airing too many new shows during the Olympics.
V-We'll see. I wasn't blown away by the first few episodes but I'm intrigued enough to start watching it again when it comes back on. And hello?! Alan Tudyk and Morena Baccarin from Firefly are in it!!

Some of my other favorites are Chuck, Castle, Community (how could you stop watching that show?!), Leverage and The Big Bang Theory.

...I think I might be giving you a run for your money on who watches more TV...

Mrs. M said...

I love Modern Family - it is so funny!

Lost is great and I too am so ready and excited for Glee to return!

Shannon said...

I saw a little bit of one episode of "Modern Family". And what I saw was pretty funny, but for some reason I've never watched the show.

Lost is my fave. And Glee. And Survivor and The Amazing Race...