February 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to Violence Unsilenced

So, I totally had another post planned for today until I saw in my reader that today is the first anniversary of one of my favorite websites, Violence Unsilenced. Violence Unsilenced is an absolutely amazing website/blog started by Maggie of Okay. Fine. Dammit.

I've written before about my work as an advocate for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services. It's something I felt called to do, and something that is very important to me. I believe that this website is an absolutely amazing place for women and men) who have experienced domestic or sexual violence.

I read their stories daily. And I am amazed by their strength. It takes a lot to speak out, a lot of courage that many people never find. In speaking out, some are able to find a piece of themselves they lost. To see how much support there is, even from strangers. And in many cases, inspire others to speak out and begin to or continue healing from really awful things that have happened to them.

So, Happy Birthday Violence Unsilenced. Here's to a hundred more.

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