May 10, 2009

Very Quick Update

Thank you so much to everyone who left me comments here and on Facebook. It really helps to know that there are people out there who care and can pray with me.

Just a quick update before I pack. That's right, pack. My sister and I are heading to St. Louis today to be with Dad, we'll be flying home on Thursday morning so we'll only really be there for 3 full days. We went back and forth and finally were able to make arrangements. We haven't told him we're coming yet, so I need to make that call. It was hard to figure out, with the money (which we don't have) and trying to decide how important it was. In the end, our hearts pulled us to go - we both just WANT so badly to be there with Dad. So, we're going. Thanks to the generosity of a very good friend (more on that later).

And update on Dad, he shattered his left wrist and it was a compound fracture, so he's been on IV antibiotics in the hospital because they worry about infection. His ligaments were torn so his radius and ulna dislocated. He currently has a metal plate and some pins in his wrist. He also had a badly bruised nerve. It didn't get crushed/broken, but only time will tell if it will fully recover. Dad's right wrist is also broken, but it's a much "better" break, it fractured in the right spot and the surgeon said that it will most likely heal completely, but he'll have to wear a cast for at least 4 weeks.

I'm last minute packing and leaving soon, thank you for your prayers, I'll post again tomorrow.


Mimi said...

I know this isn't how you wanted to spend your Mother's Day, but I'm glad you've found a way to go.


Scary Mommy said...

Oh, NO! Just read your latest posts-- I'm so sorry but glad you'll be able to get to him. I'll be thinking about you all!!

Maggie's Mind said...

Safe travels. Glad you can go be with your dad. It's less worrying when you are at least in the same place. Hope he is feeling better soon.

April said...

I'm glad you're going, and hope that he recovers quickly.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I am so glad ya'll decided to go!!

God speed!