May 27, 2009

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Meet Ezra

This week I came across a little boy named Ezra.

Seriously? How adorable is he!?

Ezra is in the hospital because two days before his 2nd birthday on May 21, he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Ezra is facing 3 years of chemotherapy.
I don't have much to offer Ezra's family besides my prayers. I'm sharing his story in the hopes that maybe someone who reads this will have more to offer. Ezra's family is facing a very, very hard time including facing some very big financial obligations, including finding the money to deep clean their house so Ezra can stay healthy. If you don't have money to offer, positive thoughts and prayers can work wonders.

Please click here to read Ezra's story at Manic Mother.

For more Wordless Wednesday posts, click here.


Marites said...

he's so cute and look so happy. I'll pray for his speedy recovery.

My WW is up here

Vanniedosa said...

aww.:( poor little boy. he looks like a trooper though.

get well soon. my prayers are with him too.

mine are here and here.


Aisling said...

I have hospital photos from when my youngest was only 8 months old. He's 14 now.

storyteller's other blog said...

I'll add my prayers to yours ... thanks for bringing Ezra to our attention.
Hugs and blessings,