September 13, 2012

Week 40: Sad Trombone

Current Weight:  217.2
+/-  this week:  +1.6
+/- this round:   -32.6
+/- total:    -49.8
Short Term Goal:  213.5 (Halfway there - 50% of final goal)

Avg weekly loss needed to reach birthday goal of 200 lbs by age 32: 1.7 lbs/wk

Well, that crap happened.  Disappointing.  I got a lot of activity points last week.  BUT, I also spread my extra points out throughout the week and that seems to be less effective for me than having one day where I sort of splurge.  Also, I know a few ounces of it was because of the switch to fall clothing instead of getting weighed in the lightest summery clothing I could find.  It's a bit scary because the weekly loss I need went up and it's inched towards 2 lbs a week, which seems less do-able.  Oh well, I'll still try. 

Today another Mom on the playground mentioned that I looked like I'd lost weight and it was nice to have that acknowledgement.  I have lost over 30 pounds since the beginning of last school year, and almost no one has said anything as far as the people I see at the bus stop every day.  Anyhow, it always feels good when someone notices, you know?

This week I am going to be able to get some exercise, and I am going to try to stay under points and think about what I'm eating and not eat late at night.  We'll see what happens.

Starting Weight 1 (Feb 2009):  267 lbs
Starting Weight 2 (Dec 2011):  249.8 lbs
Starting BMI:  41.8

Weight Lost:  49.8 lbs
Goal Weight: 160 lbs
Goal BMI:  25.1

Short Term Goal 1: 237.8 (5%) - Met 1/24/12
Short Term Goal 2: 225.8 (10%) - Met 4/10/12
Short Term Goal 3:  217 (50 pounds down) - Met 8/7/12
Short Term Goal 4: 213.5 (50% of final goal)
Short Term Goal 5:  207 (60 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 6: 199.9 (under 200 for the first time in 7+ years)
Short Term Goal 7: 192 (75 pounds down)
Short Term Goal 8: 189.8 (25% &  no longer "obese")

Long Term Goal: 160 lbs
Total to Lose:  107 lbs
To Go: 57.2 lbs

1 comment:

Olga92106 said...

Hey rachael, I just wanted to say good job and keep up the hard work. I wanted to share a video with "the truth about Sugar" it's on YouTube so check it out. I've learned so much from it.