August 2, 2008

Saturday Share

Thank goodness the weekend is here! As you may have noticed, I've decided to make Saturday Share a regular feature - sharing my favorite blog posts and internet discoveries for the last week. While you enjoy these fabulous pieces of writing, I will be throwing a wedding shower for my friend Sati!
  • Rebecca over at Girl's Gone Child has (another) amazing post about motherhood and losing our babies as they enter childhood.
  • Crystal over at Boobs, Injuries & Dr. Pepper has some happy news. You might as well start reading now, because you'll all be reading her book later if I have anything to say about it!
  • Heather at The Queen of Shake-Shake ponders a question we all face someday - what do we do now that our kids don't need us as much?
  • Y at Joy Unexpected reminds us all how scary life can be out of the blue.
  • Casey at moosh in indy tackles two difficult subjects that are close to my heart.
  • Visit Oh, the Joys for a touching story about black & white.
  • Miss Zoot at zoot gives us the courage to admit that we don't ACTUALLY hover.
  • Black Hockey Jesus at The Wind in Your Vagina reminds us how wonderful silent love can be.
  • Jen at Absolutely Bananas will make you cry if you're not careful.
  • To end on a funny note, Danny at Dad's Gone Mad thinks he has a GREAT idea for feeding shrimp to his kids...

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Good idea and good list! Sharing is caring and caring is apparently dipping shrimp in chocolate. Which brings up a ?. What kind of food would best describe you as a writer? Me? I would say I'm bacon covered jalapeno's!

Heather said...

Thanks for the linky love! I'm highly flattered to be listed with such great company!