December 24, 2010

Christmas Cookies

What better to do on Christmas Eve than make Christmas cookies?

So, we did. Using this recipe from Sarah @ Redefining Perfect. The only thing I changed is that I used 1/2 almond extract and 1/2 vanilla because I was afraid the almond would be too strong for Sam.

They are delicious.

Cookies 3

We did sprinkles for some.

Cookies 4

And icing for others. The little tubes of cookie icing at the grocery store? So awesome!

Cookies 5

Can you guess which ones Sam made?

Cookies 6

Apparently he is the opposite of other kids, who slather the frosting on until there is four times as much icing as cookie.

Cookies 7

Seriously, his cookies don't even have enough icing for me.

I prefer mine.

Here are some of my favorites.

Cookies 8

Cookies 9

Cookies 91

And a favorite my sister made.

Cookies 92

I also learned what happens when you forget that the sprinkles don't have a shaker top on them.

Cookies 1

And what happens when you laugh at yourself, so your 4 year old thinks it's funny.

Cookies 2

Did you do cookies this year?

1 comment:

Helene said...

LOVED your cookie making documentary - wish I had been there:o)