March 2, 2009

WW Week 5 Update

Current Weight: 262.6
+/- this week: -1.0
+/- total: -4.6
Short Term Goal: 250
Long Term Goal: 150

So, I lost 1 pound this week! And I also went to meeting a day earlier because we're probably switching to Monday night meetings. I was so happy to see something positive on the scale. It was really hard seeing a gain and then staying the same last week. I know it's going to happen, but it's just so much more encouraging to see a negative there. I am hoping that at next week's meeting I will get my star for my first 5 pounds.

It's been four weeks since I started my thyroid medication. I think I am starting to feel a difference in my level of energy - I'm not feeling quite so fatigued all the time. Which is really good. I'm hoping that it will also help with my weight loss, and that it might pick up a little bit.

Things I am proud of this week:

- I went to three birthday parties (for kids) and did not go over my points from it. At one party, I only ate two small slices of pizza even though it was sitting right in front of me tempting me, and I didn't have cake.

- I went to the gym twice this week, once for a class (which I'll write about later) and once on my own. That time I did the stationary bike and treadmill. Soon I want to start doing strength training again because a combination is really the best thing for weight loss and getting fit.

- I actually drank milk several times. I don't like drinking plain milk, and that's one of the things I've been struggling with the most about the WW and the guidelines!

- Today I walked to the post office instead of driving (about a 45 min walk round trip).

So, things are going pretty well. I am starting to schedule in advance when I'm going to work out and since I won't be going to Tuesday meetings most weeks, I'm going to try to go to the Tuesday AND Thursday sessions of the class I went to last week.

Today I'm feeling pretty good, and my level of hope is high. Hopefully, I can keep that going!


Enz said...

Hey congratulations on a great week...and more importantly that you are feeling better and more energized.


Megan R. said...

Congratulations! I am proud of you! I wish I could find your motivation! Mine took a permanent vacay.

Kori said...