March 2, 2009

A Moment

I allow myself to wander
then become lost
in the soft, steady knock of
on roof and windows

In this moment
between light
and dark
I am enveloped by a
soft, whispering cloud
of dusk

A rare moment of silence
has settled upon this
outside of sleep it is
a hard place to find -
absent are meows, scripted lines,
cries or giggles

Few sounds can be
heard now,
the song of the rain
the steady rush of traffic
on a freeway, only a yard and
of blackberry bushes
behind the house

The occasional snore -
in a time when snores are still
soft and
sweet -
from the couch where
he naps, another rare occurance

I had turned away for
only a moment,
turned back to a transformation
from enthralled in a movie
a land of sleep

I lie awake
out of the shower -
taken in the dark and quiet
fleece sheets create
a perfect place for
to meet dusk and
creating peace

I rarely feel this
it is a moment of
serenity, peace without
stimulation, light or

It is enough
It is mine alone

Thoughts in the back
of my tired mind
tell me
do something
but I know the
of this moment

And I savor it,
on this perfect gray cloud
until I meet


Xazmin said...

Love it.

Marshmallow Circus said...

Loved it, and off to read more. :P

Alicia said...

Wow that was so serene...I loved it! Happy SITS day, you deserve it!

mamammelloves said...

Ahhh... I'm sure every mama can relate. But not everyone can write as beautifully as you do! Love this!

Helen McGinn said...

Happy Sitsday! Love the poem.
Helen x

Anonymous said...


Melissa aka Equidae said...


Becky said...

Beautiful! Seriously. So, amazingly written!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely loved it. Kudos. And I loved the visual on the page as well. Congratulations on your SITS day!

Robbie S. Redmon, LPC said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Elizabeth D. said...

Wow, what an awesome poem. Wish I could write like that! And happy SITS FB Day, too! :)

cat said...

What a stunning poem! You have heaps of talent girl.

Kristal said...

Happy SITs day...

Great poetry!

Creative Junkie said...

That was a wonderful poem!

Cher said...


Pam said...

You've captured this moment perfectly.

koopermom said...

Beautiful!! Please post more!

Ri. Short for Maria. Not pronounced like the bread. said...


Connie said...

I feel all calm and warm and cozy.

I'm going to bookmark this and read it everyday in the mist of the crying and the screaming....

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Happy SITS Day! That was a beautifully written poem. :)

Mrs. M said...

Happy SITS day! That was a beautiful poem!!

Farmgirl Paints said...

You've got a gift. Happy SITS day:)

Laura said...

I love to hear rain on the roof, especially when it's time for sleep. Beautiful poem.

Rebecca is Thrilled by the Thought said...


adiaha said...

You are a wonderful poet


Lovely :o)

Congrats on your SITS feature day!

Karen MEG said...

Loved this. Your poetry is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful...I loved it. Happy SITS day!

Michelle said...

That was beautiful.

Rhiannon Bosse said...

Gorgeous, what wonderful words!!

Anonymous said...


I'm stopping by from SITS to say hello and congrats on being FB!

Christy said...

Beautifully written poem!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day. Love the poem!

Unknown said...

Wow, I feel calmer for having read this.

Mira is triplet crown said...

MOments of peace are hard to come by with kids. Glad you chose to enjoy it this time!

Nithya Praveen said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Cammie said...

very pretty!

Mountain Mama said...

Happy SITS day! I wish I could write beautiful poetry. For now, it's enough just to read it.

Tricia said...

Happy SITS day! Beautiful poem!

Anonymous said...

That was are so talented with your words. Enjoying those calm moments are always great and I know we try to hang on to them as long as possible.

Jamie :)

Unknown said...

You are so talented!!

tiarastantrums said...

gorgeous!! I'll assume this is not the first - have you tried to publish a book of yours yet?

jori-o said... definitely capture peace

Unknown said...

Wonderful. You sure have a way with words!: )
Enjoy your day in the spotlight!

SugarandSpice said...

Wonderfully written! Enjoy your sits day!

Robin said...

a beautiful poem.....

Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

Just wonderful! You put into words what I've felt many times but can't put into words! Thanks! Congrat's on FB today!

Unknown said...

Over from SITS to say hello. You are such a great writer.

Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

I especially love the last two bits. Happy SITS day!

Mammatalk said...

The SITS gals were right. I feel my blood pressure lowering already.

Lovely poem.

Carma Sez said...


Pseudo said...

I love your poetry.

Aleta said...

Quiet is a blessing, isn't it? Quiet and calm and a time to let thoughts dwindle down and relax. Lovely write.

Ally Wasmund said...

Wow, that was beautiful!

TanishaRenee said...

This is beautiful! I felt a quiet calm just reading it! Congrats on the feature!

Sarah Andrews said...

Wow! Just beautiful!

Sharon and Billy Blanks Jr. said...

Love you! Love your art! Beautiful.

Mama Nut said...

This was breathtaking. My favorite stanzas: I lie awake
out of the shower -
taken in the dark and quiet
fleece sheets create
a perfect place for
to meet dusk and
creating peace

I rarely feel this
it is a moment of
serenity, peace without
stimulation, light or

It is enough
It is mine alone

I. loved. this! As a mother of five my favorite time of day is crawling into the (preferably just changed) sheets and just basking in the silence. Thanks for sharing your beautiful words with us.

Reeni said...

How beautiful!

B.o.B. said...

So lovely and so relaxing. You are a great writer.

Happy SITS day!

Mel at Adventures of Mel said...

Wow, that really speaks to your heart....I love it!

Rachel Lundy said...

Happy SITS day!

lynn said...

Very Beautiful.

Hope you are enjoying your SITS day!

Melissa said...

Beautiful poem, and something that I think most moms can relate to.

The Redhead Riter said...

Here from SITS. Great poem!

Alluring Interiors said...

Fabulous piece!

Unknown said...

They were can make a gal relax just by reading!

Days of Whine & Noses said...

Nicely written

Visiting from SITS!

Angeline Schnare said...

Wow! You certainly have talent. Wonderfully captured moments.
Congrats on your day at SITS!

Just Lisa said...

That's my moment of Zen!

Happy SITS Day!

Mimi said...

Ha, I love that I was the first one to comment on this post when you originally posted it.

It still rocks!

Jeannie Finelli, RN said...

Visiting from SITS and glad to become acquainted with your work :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. That was beautiful.

Rita Barakat said...

Very sweet.

lbradshaw said...

Amazing! Happy SITS Day!

the girl with the pink teacup said...

Wow. I almost felt like I was intruding on such a private moment. Enjoy the madness of being the featured blogger on SITS - I'll be following you. It's rare to find a blogger whose poetry is so engaging.

Thanks for sharing.

Janiene said...

The was beautifully written and so on target...

Vickie said...

Happy Belated SITS day!

Very nice poem.

Love your header:)

Patricia said...

happy belated SITS. very lovely poem

Mercedes said...

definitely a more talented writer than me! Happy sits day!

the planet of janet said...

you write so beautifully. i love your "moment."

Kristen said...

Oh yes...those moments are precious and few.

Brandy said...

A beautiful moment...

Happy (belated) SITS day!

Charmaine said...

Very lovely.

Anonymous said...

happy belated feature with SITS...I'm playing catch-up! I agree..simply lovely, thank you for posting.