November 2, 2011

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Summer Fun

I've got 500 photos sitting in a folder on my computer, waiting for me to process, upload, and archive them.  I started working on it this week, and I've got some good ones to share.  In July, my cousin Emmy came to visit us from Philadelphia.  I never got photos from our trip up, and I have really been enjoying going through them!  Here are some favorites.

Seattle Mural


Olympic Sculpture Park, Seattle



Windmills, Eastern WA


My sister & my cousin


Sister in the sun @ The Gorge Amphitheater




Art in Ellensburg, WA



Seattle Public Library



Click here for more photos @ Wordless Wednesday.


Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Hey, girl!! Great to see you back on WW. LOVE all these shots - fantastic. I couldn't even begin to pick a favorite. Looks like loads of fun!! Happy WW!

Suzy said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Very interesting pictures. Love the first one.

BethFishReads said...

Looks like your cousin had a fabulous visit!

BusyWorkingMama said...

Great shots you included - and good luck sorting through the rest :)  Photo management is a part time job :)

Evy Rosebrook said...

Great pictures.  Have seen many of these sites myself, but not in the same eye as yours.  I am learning to see differently, but it is a process.  My camera is my favorite accessory lately.  Thanks for your visit yesterday.

alissa said...

That top one is my favorite!!!

ohkeeka [The Type A Housewife] said...

Beautiful pictures! I used to be a librarian, so I think the ones of the Seattle Public Library are my favorite. I've heard so many great things about it!

joules said...

I like your perspective on the world.  That shot of the lamps is really interesting:)

Jodi Hall said...

such pretty pictures! :) 

Lauren Penland said...

Wow! Sounds like you guys enjoyed your trip.The pics are lovely.