October 17, 2008

My Brain is Total Mush

Haiku Friday

I am back at home
after a weeks vacation
oh so tired now!

A vacation from
vacation is needed now
Oh, so ironic

My brain is mushy
I can't compose a normal
or smart post right now!

So, sorry for the
copout, but a bullet list
is all that I could

manage... that and a
heartfelt request - an update
to my prayer list

If you are the type
to pray for those in need, please
join me in mine now.

I've updated my Prayer List, located here.  I got some wonderful news this week, and some sombering, and found some people who definitely need positive energy right now.

I'll close for the week by emptying my head of the following random thoughts:
  • You know what I forgot before this vacation?  How it feels to go days on end without taking tiny toddler steps!
  • Airplanes are much more comfortable, and flights much shorter, without a 2 year old in tow.
  • I really hate Sarah Palin.  I have been drafting a post about it for a week, and it gets me all riled up whenever I see her.  Sigh...
  • My husband is growing a beard.  I told him to do it because I wanted to see what it would look like.  It's been a couple of weeks and I really like it!  I think it looks good on him.
  • I watch too much TV and after being gone for a week there are a billion shows on our computer to watch!  AGH!  Overload.
  • My house is a complete mess and it's driving me insane, but I've been too tired to do anything about it!
  • I applied for 5 jobs today.  Hopefully I'll get an interview SOMEWHERE!
  • Still trying to stay positive, applied for unemployment for the time being and am confused about how it works, so it makes me nervous.
That's all I can manage for tonight... I hope that after this weekend I'll have some intelligent thoughts to share with you all!  Read more Friday Haikus HERE.


Anonymous said...

I can relate...it's always feel like a vacation is good after a vacation. :)

Holding you and your friends in my prayers...

Have a blessed Friday!

Anonymous said...

are you saying you went on a one week vacation alone?? (that's jealousy just a little jealousy!)

glad it was good!

Kori said...

Glad to have you back!

The Laundress said...

I haven't been the same since I came back from vacay...in august.

Anonymous said...

so true. sometimes vacations can be exhausting. :O

good luck with the applications. :)

Anonymous said...

You need a stay cation from your vacation!

Jenn in Holland said...

I am on may way for a much needed vacation tomorrow! Can't wait. I am certain I will also need the vacation from my vacation when we return as well...

Anonymous said...

I made my husband grow a beard, too, and I thought it was super-sexy but he shaved it off because it was "itchy." Personally, I think he was just tired of me groping him all the time and calling him "Sexy Mountain Man."