January 6, 2009

Heads or Tails: 3 Things I Learned in 2008

This week's theme for Heads or Tails Tuesday is "3 Things I Learned in 2008". I'm sure that I could think of MANY more than 3 things since it was such a hard year, but I think I'll try to stick to the good stuff because I am DONE with 2008 and it's stupid badness. In 2008, I learned about people, the ones that are near to me and the ones that are a little further away...

1. In 2008 I learned that there are a ton of awesome people out there on the internet! I started blogging in May of 2008, I'd dabbled a little before that, but throughout the summer I started to get serious about blogging, about having a place to write, and about being part of a community online. I have discovered so many amazing bloggers since then - they have been so kind as to guest post for me when I was on vacation, to offer me support when I've needed it, to pray for me, to read my thoughts, and to make me laugh. I can't wait to see what happens next.

2. In 2008 I learned that I am surrounded by the most incredible friends and family. Okay, so I sort of already knew that. But it was really re-inforced in 2008. Justin and I are very blessed to have amazing friends who are there for us when we need them. Our families are infinitely loving and generous to us, and we could not have gotten by without either set of people this year. We were lucky to have some new family members when my Mom re-married, some amazing people who came into our lives. Our families are crazy - Sam has 9 grandparents at last count! For all that's happened, I wouldn't give it up - no matter how we got here, we now have this awesome network of people who love us and who we can count on!

3. In 2008 I learned that we really CAN get through anything. Despite all of the hardships we faced and any rough patches we went through, I enter 2009 feeling as close as ever to my wonderful husband. When I see old couples walking together, I look at them and think that one day that's going to be us. I have such faith in our little family, I know we'll make it, we'll come out okay, and that throughout it all we will have this incredible love. And that's a wonderful lesson to learn.

What did you learn last year?

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