January 14, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Bathtime Edition

1 Grandma + 1 Grandpa + 1 Grandson + Soap + Bathtub w/Jacuzzi Jets =

You know how sometimes you see a picture and you love it so much you just want to stare at it for like an hour and it makes you all happy and warm and fuzzy? This IS that picture for me. Sam & his Grandpa Paul:

To see more Wordless Wednesday Participants, click here.


Mama Wheaton said...

I love bathtubs with jets, they make the best bubbles! Makes me want to go out and get one right now!

Anonymous said...

Aw, that is just so very sweet.

Unknown said...

I just love that first pic!

Mimi said...

I love those pics!

Megan R. said...

Awww, that is completely adorable!!!! I can't wait until Chunky Monkey is big enough to do fun stuff like that with his Grandpa!

Anonymous said...

Fun! So many bubbles!

Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

That's REALLY sweet. I love bubble shots.

Mimi said...

I left you a photo tag on my blog if you want to play!

stan said...

like the pic of the kid surrounded by bubbles.

Shannon said...

Look at those baby blues... so cute!

Hope you are having a good trip :)

Anonymous said...

The last picture is the most adorable that I've seen in a long time!

Anonymous said...

OMG look at all those bubbles! It's a miracle you didn't loose the little one amidst all that sudsy fun! *lol*

I've gotta get a tub with jets. But then, I'd probably never get out of it.

Oh and Sam's eyes....like Wooooaaahhhhhh. GORGEOUS! He has such beautiful eyes.