February 27, 2011

Weekly Winners: Macro Madness

Weekly Winners is the creation of the beautiful Lotus from i am lotus (aka Sarcastic Mom). It gives us a chance to share our favorite shots of the week every Sunday.

Other than the first two, these were all taken with my new 50mm 2.5/f macro lens that arrived this week. ALL photos were taken with my Canon Rebel EOS.

Potato, PoTAHto

IMG_1294 - Copy

The Wine that Was


New Love!




Eye See You


Window to the World


Joy Personified


For more Weekly Winners, visit i am lotus.


laurakim said...

Love those beads!! My kids had them when they were younger!

Pure joy is well caught!

Tara R. said...

Yay for new lenses! Love the close up of your son's beautiful blue eyes.

Donna said...

Oh good Macro fun.!

stacy (the aunt with gum) said...

Window to the world is so interesting - love it! Fun shots of the kids :)

SarahCB1208 said...

Oh you LUCKY duck with the macro lens! I've been trying to convince my husband I need one. He won't cave on it, or a "normal" telephoto.

Terrie said...

beads is a really cool perspective, and i love window to the world!