Quick update...
Well, I'm no longer the only person in my house who doesn't have a sac. Ha. Went to the doc today and had an ultrasound and bloodwork. I am a little less than 6 weeks, so we could see the sac but no baby yet. There is some fluid in my uterus, which could explain the spotting. She said it will either make it's way out or be absorbed into my body again. I have an appointment next Wed to go back for another ultrasound, and by that time if everything is progressing as it should be, we'll be able to see that little tiny flickering baby bean!
I also had blood drawn and go back Thurs for a second HCG level, basically it's supposed to double over a certain amount of time, so if today's numbers are all right, then the numbers on Thurs double it, all is well. If the levels decrease, it's not good news.
I feel nothing but optimistic at this point, and maybe it's starting to sink in. But not really. I think that after I get my bloodwork numbers back and then have the 2nd ultrasound it will really be REAL and exciting for me.
On another note, I've noticed that physical activity makes me nauseous. It's like a fat person's dream haha. Kind of. Except you can't eat. Hm. In any case, I've had coming and going bouts of nausea, and am expecting more of the same. Thanks so much to everyone for the well wishes and congratulations! I'm off to watch some TV before I pass out for the night!
P.S. It's 9/9/09. That's kinda cool.