That's my little boy! Yes, we cut off all his hair. And it was gorgeous. But, it was also getting in his eyes and covering his ears. And he ABSOLUTELY HATES getting his hair cut lately. So we figured the shorter we cut it, the longer it would be before his next one. And I was curious what it would look like short. So... we buzzed it. It was horrible. It was him wrapped in a towel crying and yelling. For a half hour. But, then it was done, he took a bath and had some chocolate chips and was happy again. And he looks so cute.
Sorry about the photo quality, took it with my cell phone because my camera is... misplaced right now.
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I think most little boys look cute with a buzz cut.
I bet it's much easier at both time too.
aww, he looks adorable with a buzz cut!
We did O's last summer and Steve and I both hated it so much that we vowed never to do it again. I think because it made him look so much older, which was heartbreaking.
I didn't know if you meant 'buzzed' as in zoned out or buzzed as in shaved off! He does look cute! What a handsome fella:)
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