March 19, 2006

Big Update

I can't believe it's been over a week since I wrote again (maybe almost 2). I'm at my Mom's house in Bellingham right now. Mom went out to breakfast with Kira and some other people and Justin and I were too lazy to get up early. Justin's still sleeping, so I'm just hanging around here. I'm starting to get hungry too.

Things have just been a little bit crazy for the past 2 weeks, which is why I haven't updated. So, here's what's been going on with the Heiners...

On Tuesday the 7th (I think that's the last time I wrote), Justin's friend Sung called him to ask if he could go to Costa Rica that weekend! Justin and Sung have a great opportunity with a company in Arizona to do some developing - computer programming and web design stuff. It was really short notice, but Justin flew to Costa Rica on Thursday the 9th, and met people from the company they'll be working with. Last week he signed a 2 year contract. What does all this mean? Well, Justin put in his 2 weeks notice at T-Mobile last Tuesday and will be starting his own business consulting, and working at home. The whole thing happened pretty fast, and in it's own way has been a little scary, but I feel like it's the right decision. This is what Justin really wants to do, and what he's wanted to do for a long time, and if we didn't take the opportunity when it came up we'd regret it later. Plus I kind of figured that whether it was now, or 5 years from now, it would be scary for him to leave his job and go out on his own. So far things are going very well, and I know he's really excited about it. Plus, it doesn't hurt that it is a bump in salary, which of course is helpful since I won't be working.

I've been in my last stretch of work at Raising More Money, and am more than ready to be done. I now have 2 weeks left, and am hoping that the last week will be not full time. I'm just ready to be done. I want to make sure I get everything passed along, because I don't want there to be problems after I'm gone, but there is another part of me that just wants to rest, and not get up at 6:30 in the morning anymore, and actually be able to do things during the week besides collapsing on the couch tired when I get home from work. I haven't gotten much done since I've had things every weekend as well.

Last weekend Mom came down to visit and we hung out, Saturday was Brooke's birthday so I spent time with them, and Sunday I went to the arboretum with Mom, Keith, and Kira then to the movies with Brooke. It was pretty full.

Monday Justin got back from Costa Rica around 6:00 and then we had our first baby class at 7:00. There are only 4 classes on Monday nights, so it ends up being 8 hours total. It was pretty good. In some ways it made me feel better - knowing the stages of labor, and when it's time to start timing the contractions, and when it's time to call the doctor/go to the hospital. But in other ways hearing all the information and watching the video of a couple going through labor also made me feel just as nervous and scared as I've been feeling. I just keep reminding myself that people do it all the time, but in a part of my brain it all sounds so impossible.

Now it's the weekend again. Yesterday Justin and I drove up to Bellingham to go to Rob's wedding celebration. I haven't written about it here, but Rob and Susan got married on February 16. They are expecting a little girl in July. I think today we'll go out to lunch with Justin's Dad & Niece, and then head back down to Redmond. We're going to stop at Babies R Us on the way back. We've had a little snafu with the dresser we wanted, and it looks like they're not getting any more in until mid-April. Since I don't want to wait that long, we're going to go today and see if there is something else that we like instead. Hopefully we'll find something, I don't think we are all that picky.

So, that's the scoop! Things are going well in general. Sam is doing good as far as I can tell, he moves around all the time, and I've been growing the right amount at my doctors appointments. Last Wednesday night I started to have some back pain and suddenly couldn't lie down on my back at all without it hurting. It's crazy how things happen so suddenly. I'm starting to have trouble sleeping - waking up a lot to change from side to side, and waking up a lot to go to the bathroom. The body pillow has definitely become one of my best friends. I think now I'm at the point where nothing is going to really get easier, but it will be easier when I'm off work and don't have to worry about the fact that I'm not sleeping as well since I'll be able to take naps and sleep longer if I need to.

My next doctor appointment is on Tuesday afternoon, I'll be 34 weeks on Tuesday. SIX WEEKS! Does not seem like a lot of time anymore. It's not necessarily hitting me how close that is - I think that the Saturday after my last day of work, I'm going to wake up and freak out because there wont' be anything distracting me from the things we need to get done and how soon our little guy is going to come into the world.

Well, my shoulders are getting sore from where I'm sitting, so I'm going to wrap it up and try to find something to eat. I hope that all is well with everyone out there reading this, and I will try to update more often!

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