Heidi appeared and announced that they would be designing for a real supermodel, who also has a TV show and then reveals that it is a very pregnant Rebecca Romijn. The idea of designing maternity wear seemed like a pretty big shock for a few of the designers.
Challenge: Create a form fitting maternity outfit for any type of event for Rebecca Romijn.
The designers headed up to meet Tim, and they discovered that there were fake pregnant bellies for their models. Ha. So funny. The contestants didn't even seem to know where to attach the prosthetic bellies to their design dummies. They were given a budget of $100 and 2 days to create their looks.
Logan, 25, said he is scared by babies. Then they went shopping. Shirin decided to make a dress and coat, and hoped that she'd stand out since most of the others were making just dresses. I immediately wondered if she'd be able to get it all done.
Althea's idea of a ribbon bodice with a jersey bottom sounded good and I hoped she would be able to pull it off. I also thought that Louise's 1920s style dress design looked like it could be cute. Malvin decided to make some sort of egg dress. That certainly sounded... interesting.
When Mitchell started walking around with his enormous shorts, it was pretty hilarious. I love when we get to see into those silly moments that must inevitably happen when a dozen people are working long hours in a confined space.
Ra'mon seemed to be having a lot of confidence issues. He needed to be a little more sure of himself. When Tim came up to check in on the dresses, he clearly didn't enjoy Malvin's egg dress. He called it interesting. All I know is that when my husband says that, it means he thinks it's ugly. Then Mitchell told Ra'mon that his dress looks like a bowling bag. This episode had me cracking up.
When the models came in for the fitting, they all thought the prosthetic bellies were pretty hilarious. I would assume most of them did not have any experience with being pregnant, as far as we heard only one of them had a child. I noticed that Jonny was strangely absent until they showed his hideous flowered white jacket, or as Qristyl said, "Rebecca Romijn isn't going to wear that, she wouldn't even dust with that."
On the second morning Malvin revealed that he was having a few doubts about his freaky egg dress. Mitchell is having some problems with his giant shorts. Ra'mon seemed to thinkn everyone else in the whole place was playing it safe except for him. When Mitchell put the shorts on his model they didn't look too great.
Everyone seemed to be coming down to it on time for this challenge. They were all still doing a lot of work on the second day, and a lot of them seemed to still be working when he called them out to the runway.
Monique Lhuillier was filling in for Michael Kors on this episode. Nina and Heidi were there of course, and of course Rebecca was a judge.
Logan's look was okay, Shirin's was beautiful. The coat was really cool, loved the lining. Nicolas's dress was all right. Christopher's outfit was really pretty, could be versatile for different events. Mitchell's outfit was actually cute, it looked like skorts though. Qristyl's dress was pretty, Epperson's outfit? My first thought: Eh. Then the coat came off, and just no. No. It wasn't bad enough to land him in the bottom three, but I can't imagine seeing anyone wearing it. Louise's dress was very cute, the layering definitely added to it and made it look more like a dress. Gordana's shirt and pants were cute. Jonny's dress turned out very pretty & sophisticated. Malvin's? No. Where would she wear that? Nowhere I think. Ra'Mon's dress didn't do anything for me either, that dark stripe down the front was not flattering in any way. Carol Hannah's dress was okay, I didn't care for the jacket, but liked the draping on the dress. Althea's dress sounded better conceptually for me. Irina's dress was cute, kind of plain, but looked like the perfect thing to wear to a baby shower.
I was happy to see that Jonny's ugly ass coat did not go down the runway, I think that was definitely a good decision on his part. I predicted the bottom three correctly - Ra'mon came first with sloppy looking construction and a confusing look. Rebecca totally said it looked like a bowling ball bag, exactly what Mitchell said! Malvin was the second to be in the bottom three with his 'mother hen and egg' outfit. Nina found the sling part disturbing. They agreed the outfit looked like she'd already had the baby & was carrying it. The judges thought Malvin's outfit was bizarre. Mitchell's outfit was conceptually good, but they definitely noticed teh shorts problem. They could see the belly band, the shorts were too short, and teh shirt was too tight. His problem was totally execution. Rebecca said she would wear it if the shorts were well done she'd wear them, and Heidi said they looked like she'd sewn them herself - and she doesn't sew.
Louise was the first in the top three with her tiered skirt. Her dress was good because it would be able to adjust as the belly and body grew and changed. It was also very well executed and didn't look like it had just been made over a day and a half. Althea was in the top three as well, her tailoring was clean and it was elegant. Shirin's dress was in the top three, absolutely gorgeous. I loved the coat, and she did a very cool stitch on the waistband, unique and simple. They all agreed that Shirin's outfit was the most wearable. You can see all of this week's runway looks at Lifetime.com here.
In the end, Shirin won the challenge with her dress & coat combination,

Heidi said that truthfully, it was just 'too bizarre.'
Next week, the designers tackle working in pairs.