January 31, 2006

27 Weeks Tomorrow

Lots going on, and nothing at the same time. I had a good weekend, although I'll never get back the 2 hours of my life I spent at the theater watching "Match Point". It was not the worst movie I've ever seen, but also it wasn't good. I just left from it thinking 'what was the point of that?'.

On Sunday I finished the blanket I was working on for Sam. There's a picture of it in the photo album, it took a while, but I really like it and I was really happy to finish it!

Today I got a package from Clara Ruth. When I opened it, it was a little chair (see photo album). There is a story behind it, which was written in the card. The inscription - "This little antique rocker was John's (my grandpa), given to him about 1930. It has been kept in it's original condition. I think he would be pleased to know this chair is going to his first grandchild's first child. Please care for it, treasure it, so that it can be passed on to your great grandchild. May all go well for you and the new addition. I ask for God's blessing on you all.". Needless to say, somebody was all teared up, and it wasn't Justin. It is an adorable little chair - so tiny! in the picture I put it next to my glider to try and show how small it is. It's like having a little piece of my family's history! It's incredible to think about my grandpa as a little guy sitting in that chair. It was such a thoughtful gift. I can't really say much else with words.

I had a minor pregnant lady breakdown yesterday... it's so weird. I got upset over something stupid, and at the same time I am getting upset and teary, I know in my mind that it's totally irrational, but I still can't help it. Somehow, arranging dinner with our friends, and not commiting right away to babysitting translates to "I'm going to disappoint everybody and they wont' like me.". HA! Luckily I actually think that it's pretty funny.

Things are still going well. Well, I weighed myself this morning and if our scale is right (which it may or may not be), I have gained a whole 1/2 pound since my last appointment. I guess it's better than losing weight, but I'm starting to be a little bit of a worrywart about it. Oh well. I know if my doctor was really worried, I would have had another ultrasound sooner than my next appointment. Anyhow, it's not like I d idn't have weight to spare when I started out.

I am not worried about Sam because I can tell he's growing and getting stronger. It's funny because people talk about feeling little flutters and things for a while before they really feel the baby. But because of the position of the placenta and everything, I didn't feel Sam moving until pretty late, and I think it started out with really feeling him move! I feel him move all the time now, throughout the day and at night. Justin felt it for the first time the other night, and it happens often enough that he can feel it every day if he wants to. We are both fascinated by being able to SEE him move, which just started the other day! It's great. Well, I guess it only took 25 weeks for me to get to the part of pregnancy that I'm really enjoying! Well, I'm off to bed soon, I'll write more again soon!

Oh - also, I was very excited to read my Mom's journal entry about the shoes. They sound great!

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