Friday Fragments are the brainchild of Mrs.4444 and you can find more at Half Past Kissin' Time.
I FINALLY got around to uploading a ton of photos to Flickr today, so I'll put a few of my recent favorites in this post.
Finally captured his freckles that I love so much.

So, there are a couple of places here in Bellingham where there are mid-sized pro-life/anti-abortion billboards. One of them in particular really bothers me. It's a quote from one of the Popes about how a country that kills it's children has no future. On the right side of the sign, it has a realistic looking photo of a fetus lying on top of a sort of nested American flag. First of all, gag me with your 'patriotic' imagery. Secondly? WHO decided that it's okay to put a photo of a DEAD FETUS on a poster in public? In this case, I'm not sure it's a real fetus, if it is it is developed enough that it would be too old to be aborted in most places. But, that's not really my point. My point is that you would never put a photo of a dead 6 month old corpse on a poster for SIDS. You would not put a photo of a 6 year old dead little kid on a billboard against drunk driving. There's basically nowhere else you would just be brutally confronted with a photo of a DEAD BODY where you could not avoid seeing it. So, why is this okay? I get it if people are against abortion. I disagree, but everyone is entitled to their own views. I just find it offensive that this is how some people choose to get their message out...
Bowing in the rain.

Yeah... so now that I blurted all that out, let's talk about HARRY POTTER! A week ago, Justin and I FINALLY got to the theater - I don't know how I managed to wait a whole week! We even drove down and saw it in IMAX 3-D. The IMAX was TOTALLY worth it! It was so good. Minor spoilers follow...
There was only one slight thing I would have added, but other than that it was amazing. In the scene where Harry is in the woods and his family appear to him, I always pictured him walking towards Voldemort with them behind him like his own private little army. It didn't appear that way in the movie. But, like I said, totally minor. That part always makes me cry. I did weep a bit in the movie, pretty much from the time they started going into Snape's story until Harry found Voldemort. I LOVE Snape, and throughout all seven books I was always rooting for him. The fact that he's played by Alan Rickman, who I totally LOVE also is just perfect. That whole story was just done so well. And I'm SO glad they kept in the bit at the end with them grown up, awesome. I totally want to see it 100 more times.
Close to flying.

Justin bought me a Nook color a few months ago, and I really love it. I have been reading so much more this year, I'm more on track to reach my 50 books a year goal than I have been since the first year I did it. Right now I'm in the middle of a couple of books - "Bossypants" by Tina Fey, which is my book club book for August, "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand, about an Olympic runner turned WW2 pilot lost at sea, and "Shopaholic Takes Manhattan" by Sophie Kinsella for some fluff. What are you reading this summer?
Daddy love.

Danny and Sam are both getting SO big. I am working on 'birthday' letters... I'm so behind. I try to write Sam a letter on his birthday every year, and I just never got around to it this year. Hopefully I'll have them done in the next week. I'm very excited about this fall - one of the days that Sam's at Kindergarten, my mom is going to watch Danny so I can have a day to myself again. I used to have Sam go to a babysitter one day a week, but since Danny arrived, I haven't had that, and I can't wait to have more time to write again.
It's blurry, but I LOVE this photo my sister took of me, my boys, and my Grandmom. She is in her 80s and lives in assisted living now, she has Alzheimer's and when we're there, she doesn't necessarily know who I am or who the kids are, but she really enjoys having them around. I don't get to see her as much as I'd like, because she's in Pennsylvania, but every time I get over there, I make sure to go see her.

When 'Community' came on TV two years ago, I watched the first couple of episodes then for some reason stopped. Last week my Mom said they'd been watching it and enjoying it, so we got the first 2 season. We went through the first season over the weekend while Sam was gone. It's so good. I can't believe I haven't been watching it! I can't wait to make our way through Season 2!
I took this picture of myself in May, and came across it while uploading stuff. There's something about it that I like... it's really just real, and it's from a perspective of me that I don't usually see.

I guess that's it for this week, but I'm glad to be fragmenting again! I'm off to link up and check everyone's posts out. Hope you all have a great weekend, it's finally starting to seem like summer here in WA (knock on wood...), so we should have a good weekend!