October 30, 2010

Ghosts of Halloween Past

Today I'm writing a post as part of the SITS Girls and Shutterfly spectacular Halloween giveaway. It's a weekend of celebrating Halloween and sharing our stories and pictures, as well as earning the chance at winning an amazing DSLR camera!

Halloween is fun. I've always been a fan. I looked recently and found that I really wish I had more photos of my Halloweens as a kid, but I couldn't find many. I did find this one from when Justin and I had been together for maybe a year? It looks like it might be 2000 or 2001.


I'm the witch and Justin is the one in the wig wearing one of my outfits. The zombie is my friend Brie.

As a kid, I remember dressing as an angel, a black cat, and the last year I went trick or treating I was an Avon lady - I had randomly found a pink polyester suit at Value Village. My sister always had the best costumes. One year she was a box of Kleenex, and my stepdad helped her fold pieces of tissue paper so that they'd pull out like Kleenes do. One year she was a Jack (card), and she drew the card herself. My Mom still has it.

I have to say that having a child makes it SO much more fun. I've never been one to spend a HUGE amount of time on my costumes as an adult - I like dressing up and have fun, but oh my goodness, the cuteness and joy of seeing my children and my best friends' children all dressed up? It's just awesome.

Here are the past few Halloweens in my life:

Sam's first Halloween (with my Mom)


Sam's second Halloween - I still have this costume and fully plan to put Danny in it next year! I fell in love with it in a shop window.


Sam's third Halloween


Last year



Halloween is also my best friend's favorite holiday ever. She comes up with the best costume ideas - this year her family is doing a garden theme, the kids are being a dung beetle, a butterfly and a ladybug, she's being a flower patch and her husband is being a gnome. I'll try to get a group picture on Sunday. Here are a couple of the past ones:

When her daughter was 1 they did pirates & a parakeet.

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Year before last, they did Mario. Impressive, I think! Especially since she doesn't do store bought costumes, they always make their own.


Make sure to visit the SITS Girls website today to read more stories about Ghosts of Halloween Past!

1 comment:

Phyllistague said...

Nice, did a great job everyone looks so cool. Hope your Halloween is Great :) God bless you and your family :)