July 6, 2009

Spotlighting Moms!

Last week, Zoot had a great idea. In response to Linday's wonderful article about the state of Mommyblogging, Zoot said...

"I definitely have seen this trend. I’m not as overwhelmed by it as Lindsay is, but I do agree with the very true sentiment that maybe the MommyBloggers getting the most attention, aren’t the best voices anymore. Maybe, by becoming spotlighted so often, they are no longer as relatable. I wouldn’t say it’s true for all of the MommyBlogs in the spotlight, but I think it’s true for a lot of them.

But what is the solution? I HAVE THE SOLUTION!

For the month of July I’m going to spotlight several MommyBlogs that I’ve found and adore but who aren’t getting the attention they deserve. I’m going to call it Spotlighting Moms!"

She invited her reader to make suggestions, or even better, to spotlight some of those brilliant mommas on our own blogs. So, today I thought I'd spotlight a few of my favorite Mommybloggers!
  1. Megan @ Newly Wed, Newly Bred. I know I've mentioned her here before, but I totally adore Megan. Her blog is great, and she always makes me laugh. She's fun and sassy, and obviously TOTALLY LOVING being a first time mom to her little chunky monkey. She is WAY into cloth diapers, and she seems to take every day with a smile. I love reading about her little guy, and I think her blog is really uplifting.
  2. Dawn @ Growing a Pair. Dawn hasn't been posting quite as much lately because she recently popped out another little, adorable, sweet faced little dude. Everything she writes is from the heart, and I've been addicted to her blog from the first time I read it.
  3. Shana @ Utterances. Okay, so maybe she's not TOTALLY a 'mommyblogger'. But, she does have kids, and sometimes, she talks about them on her blog. Shana is just a great person. She posts things that make me laugh, and I always feel like I'm one of her friends hanging around with cocktails in the back yard when I read her blog.
  4. Christina @ A Mommy Story. I think Christina's was one of the first blogs I started reading. She has two gorgeous girls, and has faced some challenges with them. Christina is another person who always amazes me with her positive outlook. She's a patient and great mom to her little girls.
  5. Mama Bee @ Mom to Bee. First off, she titles every post with a song title. Which is totally creative and I'm sure sometimes it's not as easy as it seems. She has one gorgeous little girl and is currently in the market for a second. She makes me laugh and smile with her stories.
  6. Jaci @ Ravings of a Mad Housewife. Jaci has been going through a very difficult situation. She has shown an amazing strength and sense of herself, and what is best for her and her family. I think she is absolutely amazing. She is also funny, sassy, and self assured, and I look forward to her posts every time!
  7. Maria @ Immoral Matriarch and I Can Only Be Me. I know that Maria isn't a really 'small time' blogger. But for me, there is something that sets her apart, and it's that she really IS who she IS. Maria's not interested in becoming a different person for anything. She's honest about how she feels and who she is. She is her own person, and at the same time she is an AMAZING mother. Her love for her girls can only be described as fierce. Hers was one of the first blogs that I fell in love with, she welcomed me into the blogging world and helped me a little with my design way back when I didn't know what I was doing.
You may have noticed a trend... I think I'm most attracted to mommybloggers who AREN'T just mommies. They are really strong women. They write about motherhood, about shopping, about media, about their love lives, about whatever they want. Self assured, sassy, funny, strong, amazing women who know there is more to life than their kids. And knowing that? Allows them to be the best moms they can be. And I absolutely hope that I fit in with them, because they are a little bit breathtaking.

So, there you have it. My spotlight. Who are YOUR favorite mommybloggers? Do you consider yourself a mommyblogger?


jmt said...

That's a great way to network to other blogs you may never have stumbled upon, and it's also just plain NICE for them to be recognized. Way to be a great blogpal. :) Happy Monday.

Kori said...

This is a great idea! And yeah, yeah, we all know who MY faves are, and hell no, I DON'T consider myself a mommy blogger at all, even though I have kids. So there. : )

Unknown said...

Holy hell. You have seriously brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for mentioning me. Truly. I'm honored. And anytime you are in Kingston, we can definitely get together for cocktails. But not in my backyard. The blackberry bushes are alive and taking prisoners.