July 13, 2009

Piles of Piles

This week's theme for Heads or Tails Tuesday is "Pile." As in, I am TOTALLY buried under a huge pile of stuff to do. Or as in, there are piles of boxes all over my house. Or as in I like moving about as much as I like stepping in a steaming pile of dog poo.

So... we moved our first load of boxes last weekend. My Mom has been great about helping. She watched Sam on Saturday and her awesome husband helped us move boxes. Sunday it was crappy weather, so instead of actually moving stuff, she watched Sam while Justin and I packed up some of the stuff in the garage - there is just STUFF EVERYWHERE. Piles of it. Seriously.

We are planning on doing the "big stuff" this weekend - any boxes we already have packed (which should hold the majority of our stuff) and moving all the furniture. Including our beds, which means that after this weekend we'll be staying at the new place. Crazy. Tomorrow we need to get our asses in gear. I think the biggest packing job left in the house is the kitchen, and packing up the TV & computer stuff, which will probably get done the day before we want to move it since we use those things so much.

I'm hoping that we can get almost everything moved this weekend, because... well, moving SUCKS and I just want to get it done so we can unpack and get settled in at the new place. I've been talking to Sam about the move, but I don't think he really gets it, so I'm hoping it will go okay. I'm excited, but the whole thing is tiring and it's been stressful - I haven't been posting because by the time the day is over I just don't feel like doing anything! I have things to say - I did watch the SYTYCD Elimination show last week & have a couple thoughts, plus a weekly update or Weight Watchers. Hopefully I can manage to get those up in the next couple of days, and I promise after we get moved I'll have more intelligent and entertaining things to say.

Now I'm off to bed...

To read more piles of posts about piles, head over to Heads or Tails Tuesday!


Ziggy Stardust said...

I hate moving, I wish you luck with your "piles".


Sammi said...

good luck with the move.
had to laugh at the steaming pile of dog poo - if you have time to drop by my blog, it'll teach you how to sign steaming pile of *bull shit*!

i beati said...

Lately I've been moving piles of things from one part of the house to the other cannot seem to tackle the work..sigh sandy

Melissa aka Equidae said...

wish you a smooth change over:)

Megan, Life Revamped said...

good luck with move!

Barb said...

I feel your pain! Moving is soooo much work.

I always pack my computer last and set it up first. When I had young ones I set up their bed and toybox first to help with the transition. Seeing their own familiar things seemed to help. :)

Rinkly Rimes said...

Everyone's take on 'pile' seems depressingly untidy! I'm sure you'll feel great when all your piles are neat ones!

Sue said...

Best wishes for your move! Happy HOT day :)

Mrs. M said...

We moved last summer on literally the hottest day of the year and it was madness. I told myself I was going to use the opportunity to unpack box my box and get more organized and get rid of stuff - Ha! Then things just got put away and forgotten. Good luck!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Girl good luck...I'm just glad it's not me. I hate moving. But, if I were moving into your home I'd probably like it a little better.

Mimi said...

I hope the new place makes all the stress worth it!

Enz said...

I hate moving too...but I love fresh starts.

Hopefully you will be in love with your new home in no time and don't worry about your son, kids are so adaptable, he will love the adventure.

Did you get the living situation worked out with the other two that may have been living with you?

Tumblewords: said...

Good luck. I've been in the same house for 30 years, so I figure it would take me 30 years to move.