March 22, 2008

Total TV Junkie

If you know me very well, you know that I'm a total TV Junkie. I can't help it. I just love it. I got the EW Spring TV Preview issue today and red the whole article right away. Here are some random thoughts on the current TV situation...

JERICHO: It's cancelled (again) I'm sure for real this time. I like it, think it's great, but I think it started out too involved - you really can't miss an episode and expect to know what's going on in the next one. Skeet Ulrich has been on some shows I really liked recently - this one, and that Miracles sho a year or two ago. Maybe the next one will last...


BREAKING BAD: Justin and I have been watching this new show on A&E. It's got Bryan Cranston (last big role was 'Hal' on Malcom in the Middle) as a science teacher who finds out he has terminal lung cancer and starts cooking meth to make money. It's definitely the totally opposite side of the spectrum from the sitcom role, and he's very good in it. I'd definitely recommend it if you can handle the darkness of it.

TOP CHEF: New season started 2 weeks ago! Yay! I love Bravo's reality TV - Project Runway, Top Chef, Shear Genius... love it.

I can't wait for Grey's Anatomy, 30 Rock, Supernatural, Moonlight, Bones, Criminal Minds and Battlestar to be back on. I'm sure I'll have more to say about it then!

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