March 13, 2008

My Secret Identity

Last night I went and saw Ladysmith Black Mambazo at the Moore Theater in Seattle. I went with my 25 year old sister, my Mom and her fiance. We had dinner at Wild Ginger, which I've been hearing about but had never been to, then went and listened to the beautiful and awesome sounds of the concert. Driving home in the car it was quiet, and I began to think about how much fun I had that night. Sometimes I forget that I'm a real actual person who can watch TV shows besides Yo Gabba Gabba, read things besides Go Dog Go, and play with things other than little toy cars and MagnaDoodles. I used to have a blog called Scientific Nature of the Whammy. In my pre-mommy days, I would post my favorite headlines for the day or thoughts about what was going on in the world, the movies and concerts I went to and what I was up to. I still have a blog, which is linked over to the side there - Adventures of the Heiner Family. You'll notice that this blog focuses almost exclusively on my beautiful tow-headed little angel boy Sam. I am his Mommy, 95% of the time... but I need a place to be just me. So, here I am after 2 years of not posting to join the blogging community again. I hope you enjoy it.

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