Collection of greetings posted on our BabyCrowd Pregnancy Journal while I was pregnant with Sam and after he was born. No dates, since they don't record them! Oldest at the bottom, most recent at the top.
OMG, the pic of Sam in Justin's lap at the computer and the one of Sam playing with his toes are SOOOOOO ADORABLE!!! I can't wait until my babies can do stuff like that! Any time they do anything cute right now it's purely by accident (though Giovanna seems to purposefully pull stuff off her face already!). Keep posting updates and pics - I'll read 'em!!
Happy to see somebody with the same problems:) I was just thinking about how frustrating it is when your baby doesn't want to go to sleep. It makes me so mad sometimes. But I can't let him cry out, because we live in a small one room flat, I don't think my neighbours would appreciate it:)
Good luck,
I love the pics of Sam in the pool! We need to visit again, soon. I miss you!!
Grandma Helene
We are all very excited to meet you this week, Sam:0)
Grandpa Bill, Grandma Helene and Aunt Lianna
We hope everything goes well for Rob, Susan, and the baby tomorrow. Please be sure to tell us if you know of anything we can do to help them when we're out there.
your baby's hair is too cute! i have never seen a new born baby with FULL head of blonde hair...he is so handsome...congrats..
I just wanted to let you know that your story about breastfeeding and all the hardships you've had is almost IDENTICAL to mine and my son Tommy's experience! The only real difference is that when the nurse gave me the shield and Tommy latched on, he refused to latch onto my breast without the shield from then I had to use the shield at every feeding (after of course always trying just me first and fighting with him and working him up into a frustrated frenzy). So he couldn't stimulate me well enough and I wasn't making enough took my milk almost 2 weeks to come in and even when it came in completely (going from a yellow color to white) there wasn't very much of it...the result was he was hungry and thus VERY fussy for 2 weeks straight...we couldn't lay him down without him screaming and at the last even holding him wouldn't console him.....when he went back to the doctor for his two week visit, he had lost from 8lbs 3 oz to 6lb 15 oz, which was devastating to me...he was placed in the hospital for failure to thrive and dehydration. The nurses tried to help me teach him how to nurse without the shield but in the end I went to the bottle because I couldn't stay letting him go hungry for one more minute. I felt like such a failure on so many levels....I wanted to breastfeed so badly, that's why I stuck with it for as long as I did despite all the obstacles, and so I felt I had failed on this level. When I realized that Tommy had been so upset for the first 2 weeks of his life because he was hungry, it tore my heart apart. I would say that only you and other women who've been through this can truly understand how that feels.
But anyway, to make a long story the end, what matters most is the health (both physical and emotional) of your baby, and his health depends greatly on your physical and emotional health. He needs you to be emotionally sound and happier in order to be happier and healthier himself. Bottlefeeding is not the devil, I promise, it can be a mother's best friend if she's struggling with breastfeeding. I was afraid that I would appear lazy if I quit breastfeeding, but I know in my heart that I tried my hardest. I made the decision to bottlefeed in the best interest of my child, not because it was inconvenient for me. I know this in my heart and that's all that matters! So, if you have to make the switch, you are DEFINITELY NOT A BAD MOMMY! In my opinion, deciding to switch to the bottle is a very hard decision, especially if you really wanted to breastfeed like I did.
Tommy's doing great on the bottle...he's now 10 weeks old and on his 2 month visit he weighed 11 lbs 13oz and is already in 3-6 months clothes!
Hang in there Mom!
Tara and Tommy
Great Aunt Ann
Hello Sam,
You are absolutely gorgeous! I can't believe how wonderful, happy and content you look after your ardurous joirney into this new world. You are a very lucky boy to have such wonderful parents. I look forward to meeting you.
Great Aunt Ann
Kat Morgan
Congratulations on Sam and he is on time to boot....
Way to go kool kids.
Hopefully in a few weeks you will allow me a brief peek at him. Get some rest for now and enjoy Sam.
Loved the pictures and all of the updates...
Tiffany Poulin
Rachael, Sam, and Justin:
You are all in my thoughts...hope things are moving along smoothly and that we all get to meet Sam soon!!
Molly Wolniewicz
Best to you sweet Mommy! We are excited to get to know your little son!
Rachael - I'm so excited for baby Sam to come and wish you both good health, Justin too, through the delivery!
Take care,
Aunt Becky
Wow! It seems like it was just last week that I was waiting for the phone call telling me you'd arrived. Now you're about to be a mom. I think about you all the time. I can hardly wait to get the news that Sam has arrived (I'm still holding out for April 29). Love You!!
Don't worry, sweetie. You have a true and loyal heart. You will be a wonderful mother.
I think it's obvious why Sam is moving around so much on Fridays. He wants to get the hell out of the meeting and go home. Sounds like he has good sense to me.
Ann Doley
Hello Rachael and Justin,
Just checking in to see how things are going. I looked at the pics and read the most recent page in your journal (the Q & A). Glad everything is good. I can't believe you are already seven months pregnant! Truly amazing. Will try to keep in touch more often.
Love and Peace,
Sam's FIRST pirate outfit??? What does this mean? Are you planning on turning my grandson into a seafaring outlaw? Should I be shopping for a tiny eye patch?
HA! Mark my words. You ain't seen(or felt) NOTHIN' yet! Oh, and by the way, you're son is now the proud owner of orange and blue plaid sneakers.
Michael and Marcy
sorry, I can't believe that I spelled my own daughters name wrong! Let me try again
God bless
Michael, Marcy, Zoe & baby :-)
Michael and Marcy
Congratulations guys!
We ran into Justin's Dad at the Nuthouse Grill about a week ago and found out that you were expecting!! This is exciting!! Maybe next time you guys are back near the old Homestead you can drop us a line and say Hi. (And if somehow it's after June, our infants can meet ;-) ) We are excited for you guys and pray that your pregnancy continues to go smoothly.
God Bless,
Michael, Marcy, Zoey & baby
Scott & Kristin
Congratulations and well-done... well, at twenty-two weeks, perhaps 'medium well' would be a better exclamation, but there you go. English is a wierd language and i cannot be held responsible... I wasn't there when they created it. Where was I? Oh yeah! Congratulations and very very very good all the best of luck to you both... er all three of you.
bye now!
Scott (& Kris who disavows any knowledge of how Scott's mind works!)
Sam Sam bo bam banana fana fo fam me my mo mam SAAAAAAAAAM!!
Grandma Edie
Your photo is very cute. Do you feel an unusually strong urge to wear blue lately??? Do you think the baby is sending subliminal messages? Hmmmmmmm.....
Kat Morgan
Hey girl---
I wanted to let you know that I am very happy for you and Justin. I know you both have wanted to experience this for quite awhile and I pray that the rest of your pregnancy goes off with no more morning sickness.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers so you have great memories and great health through April/May.
Enjoy yourselves Mommy and Daddy.
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you and your husband. You guys must be soooo happy and I know you will be a wonderful mother! I am sorry I could not write sooner but we (in South Florida) got hit by Hurricane Wilma a few weeks ago and lost power for over ten days. Our house is fine but a lot of people were not so fortunate. The city just started clearing the debris from the residential areas last week and slowly but surely everything is normalizing. I am glad you are keeping a blog like this, I didn't know they had baby blogs but it is pretty cool! I may do one when it is my time!!
Take care,
Rachael and Justin,
We're so happy for you out here on the Doley-Anthony side of the country, sending you lots of positive thoughts. Lianna is really excited about becoming an aunt! Like your mom, I have also found myself unable to resist purchasing a few select baby items over these past few weeks (even ones that are very gender-specific, just in case:0) Perhaps because you have waited longer than you had hoped for this (and I know what that is like), your experience will be even sweeter. Can't wait to see you both at Christmas.
Aunt Ann
Oops! If I am correct, my message was sent before I had finished it. Here's my second try.
Hello Rachael and Justin,
I am so happy for both of you! This little baby -- Abby or Sam -- will surely be treasured and loved by two very special people. I suspect that he or she will also tinker with phones and computers, have a passion for books, keep a journal, ride a motorcycle, be fond of cats and maybe even knit. Precocious to the superlative!
As the mother of your cousins, Aine and Emaleigh, I can vouch for the reality that some pregnancies are blissful, others okay and the rest just awful. Unfortunately, mine were both awful (24 hour morning sickness for months, swollen feet, sore back, big babies, long labor and two caesarians). The result, in both cases, erased all of that in seconds, well maybe minutes -- okay, possibly a few days. There is no joy like being a mom, being a dad, being a parent. I can tell that you are experiencing that already. Amazing, isn't it?
Good luck. Stay healthy. Worry less and keep your feet propped up!
Love and best wishes,
Aunt Ann
Jennifer Short
CONGRATULATIONS!! I am sooooo excited for both of you. I also had the worst morning sickness throughout my entire first trimester. But it seemed like the day I hit my second trimester it went away - hopefully you'll feel better soon! And I'll be checking back often to see your updates :)
Oops Sorry! It posted before I wanted it to. Anywho, Congratulations!!! Jason and I are wayyyy happy for you guys. And thanks for the green arrows on the ultrasound, it still took me awhile to figure out how that was a baby... :)
Wow, Rachael, what wonderful news! Congratulations to you and Justin. In your photos you and Justin look so happy, and you are positively beaming! Not to get maudlin, but... oh what the heck, let's get maudlin! I remember when you were very, very young (before Kira arrived) and we were having a family party at my house in Havertown, and you just followed me around the house that day as I was going from the kitchen to the living room and back, curious about what I was doing. You must have been 3 or so, and you were so beautiful that if you had lost interest after the first few minutes I would have started following you around instead. And now you are starting your own family.
When you are staggering around all sleep deprived for the first few weeks you will sometimes wish that baby was still inside, so enjoy your pregnancy!
Scott & Michelle
Hi Guys!
This is so wonderful!!! We did know before this but this makes us feel like such a part of things since we don't see you often. We are so happy for you both! Your first child is such a wonderful thrill (well they all are, but not knowing what to expect with the first is soooo cool!!) We will keep reading, so keep typing!! Good luck with that sickness - that is the worst!! I had it both times - maybe you will get lucky and only have it the first!!!
Love you both!!
Uncle Scott and Auntie Michelle!!!
I'm so proud of you for the decisions you are making. I know you won't regret it, ever. You are one smart cookie and so is your man!
Ok, sorry to bother you again but I thought of a bit of advice that Im sure you will be overloaded with by everyone you know and meet (complete strangers, too). I was sick a lot and I figured out this trick while I was in the shower... Drinking warm or hot water settled my stomach when I thought I was going to toss my cookies! Hope it works, Promise this part will all be over soon! C-Ya!
Rachele DA
Hey, Rachael! This is your old best buddy from a long time ago wishing you all the luck in the world and mountains of congratulations! I still have to say that I hope it is a girl so we Rachel's (with varied spelling) can both have two Abigail's... (everyone now say it together...) AWWWWW!!!!! Love you Lots! YTFA. Rachele DA
I was about as pregnant as you when I decided I was NEVER getting pregnant again! I was lying across my bed wishing for God to let me die now (sounds like a bad drinking experience, huh?) before I threw up again. Just remember, every day of feeling sick means you're one day closer to feeling better. How's that for comfort?
Aunt Becky
I am so excited for you guys. I have the number of weeks pregnant you are marked each Tuesday on my calendar. Though the due date is May 2, I'm hoping for April 29 (my bday). I will be on the first plane west after school gets out. I can't wait to be Great Aunt Becky !!!!!
I love having pregnant friends!! It is so exciting to watch you all go through so exciting life changes!! Congratulations! I can't wait to witness this over the next 8 months(I am sooo bad at math that I can't even figure out how much is left...).
I did it. I bought a pair of baby socks. I couldn't help it. They were so cute with little bears on them. They're really tiny and have orange stripes. This is only the beginning.....
Brieshon )
This is way cool! I am so happy for you. Congratulations! I will be checking in on your blog regularly! YAY!!!!!!!!
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