You were born on:
May 2, 2006
You weighed:
7 lbs 6 oz
And your length was:
21 inches
After much thought, you were named:
Samuel Denn Heiner aka Sam or Sammy
The first thing I thought when I saw you was:
How beautiful you are and how happy I was to finally meet you. The whole world melted away and nothing else mattered when you opened your eyes and looked at me.
The hardest part of the delivery experience was:
The very end - trying not to push when you wanted to come out so bad!
The easiest part of the delivery experience was:
Probably the 3 hours after I got the epidural! :-)
What surprised me most about the delivery experience was:
It went pretty quickly, 12 hours from start to finish. I was most surprised by how the epidural worked and that I wasn't completely numb in my legs at all like I thought I would be.
What I can't wait to do with you:
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