February 4, 2010

Come See Me at Mamapedia!

Today I have a featured post over at Mamapedia! My post on "Is Birthing a Business" is featured right there on the front page, and I'm so excited! I would love for you to head over there and check it out, and while you're there check out the rest of Mamapedia. It's a great community by moms for moms, and I'm excited to be a part of it.


Enz said...

Great article, I was a bit confused as first as the first few lines say you aren't pregnant!!!

Olga said...

great article Rachael. it puts a lot in perspective, with my fist, Alina i had an epidural cause i was scared about the whole process, but with my second Mila, i did it drug free and it wasn't that bad. i mean it hurt, but i got through it.