Friday Fragments are the brainchild of Mrs.4444 and you can find more at Half Past Kissin' Time.
I'm a little late today, but it's still FRIDAY. So, here are my fragments, and I'm freakishly awake even though it's late, so once I hit publish I'm off to visit YOUR Friday Fragments posts and see what's going on.
I'm a big fan of portraits, and Entertainment Weekly often has some really good celebrity portraits. I was browsing the portraits from Comic Con on their website, and this one caught my attention. Beautiful.

via Entertainment Weekly - Rutina Wesley, Tara on "True Blood"
So, we're moving. Once we made the decision, it happened pretty fast. I have a whole post to write about it soon, but for now I just need to say that I HATE PACKING. I am looking around my house wanting to do it, but at the same time, it's such a pain in the butt. I was hoping that I would not be moving again for a VERY long time, but obviously that didn't work out the way I thought. Send me some kind of 'be really productive' vibes if you have them, okay?
Do you ever look at Improv Everywhere's website? Their most recent video is "Say Something Nice." Take a look.
Pretty great. Spreading the positive is ALWAYS a good thing, isn't it? To Infinity and Beyond!
Sam got his 'back to school' haircut this year - he was quite shaggy.

He told me that morning he wanted to get all his hair cut off. I was kind of surprised, because I've asked him a couple of times this summer if he wanted Daddy to buzz his hair and he said no. So I asked if he was sure, and he said yes, he wanted all his hair cut off so it would be like Daddy's. AWWW! It's nice being able to see his face again, but they always look SO much older after a haircut!
Here are a couple of things that made me laugh out loud this week.

via MamaPop - you should be reading Jurgen Nation's weekly 'make you laugh' posts, because they will!

click to enlarge - via Geek in Heels

via The Greatest
Another thing that might make you laugh if you have some spare time is reading bad boyfriend stories over at Temerity Jane. I just started reading her blog earlier this year, and it quickly became one of my favorites. She always makes me laugh, and I can totally relate to so much of what she says.
This week I also read about how PETA has decided to have a Porn Site. You guys... Something is really wrong with PETA. So, basically they are going to put all the naked photos they've taken up.. and randomly insert horrible animal cruelty photos? I don't get it. Then today I randomly came across this old blog post about how earlier this year for 'infertility awareness week' they were offering free vasectomy (coupons?) to men who had recently had their pets neutered. Way to OFFEND people by not understanding the meaning of infertility and how hard it is for people. I am just as against animal cruelty as the next guy, but I think that PETA should take a good, long look at their methods of trying to expose the plight of animals and convince people to change it. Their message is so lost at this point it's not even funny.
All righty, I think that's it for this week. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!